
Justice can always win over evil,however,sometimes at the cost of too much of one entire life and future.I belive in this world nobody's in favor of hatred,but one absolutely need to make a balance between reason and sentiment.We are not live for our own while we hold responsibility for too many people and other creatures ,this can not be a romantic thing,and never.Pergaps just as Hamlet said,to be or not to be,that is the question.

Justice can always win over evil,however,sometimes at the cost of too much of one entire life and future.I belive in this world nobody's in favor of hatred,but one absolutely need(needs) to make a balance between reason and sentiment.We are not live(living) for our own while we hold responsibility for too many people and other creatures ,this(which) can not be a romantic thing,and never(表示以后也不可能吗?那用and never will be).Pergaps just as Hamlet said,to be or not to be,that is the question.