

第1个回答  2022-10-23
问题一:在舞台上用英语怎么说 on the stage 在舞台上

问题二:你在舞台上都做了些什么?英语怎么说? 英语:You were on the stage do what

问题三:他们认为演出提供了一个展现才华的舞台”用英语怎么说 they hold the opinion that the performance offere丁 a stage where they can show their talents,

问题四:今天很高兴能站在这个展现自我的舞台上。用英语怎么说 It's a great honor to stand on the stage where i 搐an present my abilities

问题五:我希望能站在舞台上用英语怎么说 I'm eager to stand on the real stage someday.

问题六:舞台剧用英语怎么说? 舞台剧 stage plays
Tom prefers films to stage plays.

问题七:一个人在舞台上一个人秀用英语怎么说,好像是什么show。跪求答案~~~~(>_<)~~~~ 看表演什么了吧
才艺表演:talent show.
脱口秀:talk show.