

in need of help需要    need; want; require; demand; ...帮助    help; aid; assist; assistanc ...都需要帮助 everyone needs help需要帮助吗 do you require aid human每个人都需要帮助everyone needs help

帮助需要帮助的儿童helneedy children当你在需要帮助和安慰时when you needed help and rescue是财政援助,为那些需要帮助how much遇到危险需要帮助时呼救  yell breaks encounter and yells for help在我需要帮助的时光中 in my hour of need

紧急事故救援中心,有什么需要帮助的吗? emergency assistance, may i help you每个人都有需要帮帮助的时候 everybody needs help sometimes, richard

如果你需要帮助,请浏览下列网站    if you need a little help:websites我们急需要帮助,我们的水就快要用光了。we have an urgent need for help需要帮忙吗 excuse the mess; whether i can helyou需要帮手need a helper

表示要帮助某人    proffer to help sb别不理他要帮助他    don't ignore him需要帮忙请尽管说    please do not hesitate to ask for help同志有困难当然要帮助    it goes without saying that we should help a comrade in difficulty. natural

需要我帮助吗    would you like some help需要一些帮助    need some help呃,稍等一下。需要帮忙吗?    b: er, just a moment. yes, can i help you now

帮助有需要的同胞    heltheir needy fellow citizens我需要你的帮助    give me a hand,please; give me your hand; i need helof you; i need some of your help; i need to your help; i need your hands; i need your help; i rally need you help; please give a hand; will u please do me a favor
