


During the winter vacation, the English teacher introduced this Frozen movie. After watching it, I understood a profound truth, which also benefited me deeply: only true love can solve everything! Only with true love can a happy life begin. If there is no love in your heart, your life will be very boring!


There lived a pair of sisters in a beautiful castle. The elder sister's name was Aisha and the younger sister's name was Anna. One night, they made a snowman in the hall. Aisha used magic to make snow. They made a snowman with snow, whose name was Xuebao. Aisha accidentally froze her sister's head, and the king and queen took Anna to see a doctor. Since then, Aisha has stopped using magic and kept wearing gloves.


Ten years later, Aisha became queen, Anna wanted to marry a prince, but the queen didn't agree, so Anna turned the queen's hand away. With a wave of her hand, the queen turned the world into eternal winter, and the queen became an ice castle in Beishan, so the princess went to find the queen. A year later, Princess Anna met another person, and they were going to find the Queen together.


They finally found the queen, and the queen froze the princess's heart, and the queen became a heavy snow man. The queen threw them into the big snowdrift at the foot of the mountain. Finally, the queen was put in prison, and the queen escaped again. The prince wanted to kill the queen. Then the princess came running and was frozen when she ran to the queen, but she was finally unfrozen by her sister's love.


Since then, they have lived a happy and beautiful life. It turns out that a loving heart can dissolve everything.

