



Many things in the world cannot advance, but seriously live in the present, is the most real life attitude.
Perhaps the meaning of life, but is sniff side every flower beautiful flowers, enjoy the way bit by bit. After all, yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, only today is God for giving us the best gift.
Life motto: many people like advance tomorrow's troubles, want early step out tomorrow's troubles. Tomorrow if you have trouble, you are unable to solve today, every day every day life homework to do, and strive to do today's homework again!
There is a story: the old monk and the little monk in the practice, the young monk suddenly asked the master; what is life? The old monk smiled, then pointed to the tree on the bird said: you see the bird in the tree the? The little monk puzzled to see the master, the master does not know what to say, a gust of wind blowing, the branch moved quickly, the birds flew away. The old monk at the little monk then express volumes to say: This is life!
I just saw this story, how also can not understand the meaning of them. What is the relationship between the birds stay and fly away? This is why life. Later with the increase of age and social experience. I know. The Buddhist living in the moment is a kind of artistic conception of the original life free and easy and open-minded. Life is like a drop in the bucket, the end of life in the twinkling of an eye, breathing, the length of life we are in the same or similar, we can't change the length of life, we can change the depth of life. The birds will soon fly away, the scenery and joy will also leave me but go to, we may be because some landscape destruction and lonely and helpless, so it is particularly important in the current live. To deeply felt a moment of joy and life is sweet. The family gathers is desirable, and is worth to cherish, so people would like to see, the human mind and nature is good roots, to care. Colleagues, help and care partners we should attentively experience and Thanksgiving return, because they help is so selfless, smile is so warm and touching.
Each people all have to pursue, in the pursuit of relatively happy life, in this effort, the process of struggle is already living in the moment. Live in the present, the line is a devoted way of life today. Live in the present, not the past dragged behind you, no future pull you go, all the energy is concentrated in this moment. In today's grasp today's opportunities, and to realize their ideals and beliefs. Around us there are many people and friends are living in the past or the future, living in the past people day in remembrance of their life, for life in a certain phase have happiness, but now has become the past and wail, for the past rugged fortune and incensed; living in the imagination of future in the people, worry now strong body because of old age and health, to worry about the old age lost their ability to work, the economic problem... Regardless of living in the past or worry about the future of the people, they have lost the moment, not happy, happy to enjoy the moment.
We acknowledge that everyone has in the past, have experience, but in the past has become the past, no matter how you recall, now how sad, time will never turn back, the past is now composed of numerous, the memories that we know how to cherish the present, adversity makes us learn patience and tolerance. We want to in life, take life tips. Only in this way can we continue to nurture our wisdom to live a full life. Life is short, instant, too many things not in our hands, the past is the past, the future is not necessarily what we think, only the present - this is now a second is in our hands. Only one life, time is our greatest asset, and the time we have only now, have now, we also have the past and the future.
I hope we can cherish every minute of life, put the candle light to illuminate their own, to illuminate the others, looked from the value their focus shifted to others, do some help or service to other meaningful work. Let us encourage each other, work together toward the goal of life, so that when we come to the end of life, looking back to no regrets.