

  《为学》 作者:彭端淑






  Put the difficult easy? For the weak, easy to do, No, YiZhe also difficult to do. One of the difficult easy to learn? Learn the weak, easy to do, Don't study hard, YiZhe also.

  The two despise shu, one is poor, one monk. PinZhe language YuFuZhe yue: "my desire of the south China sea, see?"

  Rich yue: "depend on what son?"

  Yue: "my bottle of a port enough."

  Rich yue: "we MaiZhou for several years, but also how to judah. And to a bully!"

  The next year, PinZhe from south to Sue, wealth. Rich, ashamed.

  The west sichuan, thousands of miles south to, also can PinZhe and wealth to the sangha to how. Regardless of who aspire to, as the monk is asbtracted despise?






  All things are difficult and easy? Just do the things, difficult and easy, If you do not, easy also difficult. People need to have difficulty and the difference? As long as learning, so difficult also easy, Don't study, so easily also difficult.

  Sichuan's border with two monks, one of the poor, one of the rich. Poor monks of the monk said: "I want to go to sea?"

  Fu monks say: "you what to go?"

  Poor monk said: "I FanBo against a bottle a enough."

  Fu monks say: "I want to hire boats and for years, haven't go to downstream. You can go on to what!"

  By the next year, the poor monks from the south came back, told the rich monk. Fu monks showed ashamed.

  Sichuan distance nanhai, do not know the way, rich thousands fail to reach the poor boy monk, but arrived. One study, as well as to the poor boy sichuan border?
第1个回答  2010-07-04








On Study

Does everything in the world have any difference in terms of difficulty or ease? If one does it, even the difficult ones are easy; if one doesn't do it, even the easy ones are difficult. Does a person's studying have any difference in terms of difficulty or ease? If he does it, even the difficult ones are easy; if he doesn't do it, even the easy ones are difficult.

There once lived in the frontier of Sichuan two monks, one poor and the other rich.

“I want to go to Nanhai, what do you think?” One day the poor monk said to the rich one.

“On what will you depend for going there?” asked the rich monk..

“A bottle and a bowl will be enough,” answered the other.

“Since many years ago, I have intended to go down the river in a boat, but it didn’t come true. What on earth will you depend on for going there?” The rich monk asked.

After one year, the poor monk returned from Nanhai, and told his story to the rich one, thus making the rich monk ashamed to hear it.

Nobody can tell exactly how many thousand miles it is from the west of Sichuan to Nanhai. The rich monk failed to visit Nanhai while the poor one made it. Can’t we surpass the poor monk as far as setting our goals is concerned?

Hence, intelligence and quick-wittedness can be either depended on or independed of. Those who only depend on their own intelligence and quick-wittedness and never exert themselves in learning are doomed to failure. Confusion and muddle-headedness can or cannot set limitations to your development. Those who make ceaseless efforts in learning despite the limitations set by confusion and muddle-headedness are bound to accomplish great achievements.