

1. 行为动词do(does,did) 可以后跟名词化的动名词,该动名词前总有一个限定词,如the, some, any, much, a lot of, most of, a little,a bit of , 物主代词等。”do +限定词+ 名词化的动名词“往往表示一段时间的活动或重复进行的活动。例如:
I usually do most of my washing on Sunday. 我的大部分衣物通常在星期天洗。
Can you do the shopping for me? 你能替我买买东西吗?
I did a lot of / much running when I was young. 我年轻时经常跑步。
I want to do some writing. 我想写一些东西。
I did a little / a bit of reading this afternoon. 今天下午我看了会儿书。
We did all our shopping yesterday. 昨天我们把东西都买齐了。
2. 动名词与名词化的动名词的区别:
The Party is leading us in the building of socialism. 党正在领导我们建设社会主义。(名词化的动名词)
试比较: The Party is leading us in building socialism. (动名词)
We are glad of her having successfully finished the task. 我们为她圆满完成任务感到高兴。(动名词的完成式)

He is scared of being robbed. 他害怕被打劫。(动名词的一般式、被动语态)
The constant bumping and shaking of the ship couldn't make me sleep. 船持续的颠簸和摇晃使我无法入睡。(名词化的动名词)
We listened attentively to his careful describing of the case. 我们聚精会神地倾听了他对案件的详细描述。(名词化的动名词)
第1个回答  2016-11-06
除非是用于do shopping这一类的固定用法~否则不会这么使用的本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2016-11-06