翻译一段英文 急急急

加一点哦 你总是坐在教室里 难道不觉得闷吗,我们一起出去玩玩好吗 想和你一起拍照片,希望你的到来

Can we go out to play together?I want to take photos with you, I hope you can play with me.
You always stay in the classroom, don't you feel bored? How do we go out to play together?I want to take photos with you.I hope you can come with me.
第1个回答  2010-07-12
Could I hang out with you?
I want to take photos with you, hope you can come.
第2个回答  2010-07-12
Shall we go out together? I would like to take photos with you,i hope you can play with me.
第3个回答  2010-07-12
You always sit in the classroom? Don't you feel boring, we go out to play? Photos with you and hope your coming
第4个回答  2010-07-12
1.Can you go out with me ? i want to take photos with you,i hope you can play with me .

2. you are always sitting in the classroom,don't you feel boring?let's go out and have fun,OK? i want to take photos with you,i hope you will be here.
第5个回答  2010-07-12
can we go to play together,i want to take photos with you,i wish you can keep me accompany
you always stay in the classroom,do not you feel bored