


one to x 如 5:59是one to six
x y 如6:20分是six twenty
or( 60-y) to (x+1) 【要超过30分以后才可以用这种】如5:50分是ten to six,也可以说成five fifty
or y past x【要没超过30分才可以用这种】如5:20分是five twenty或者twenty past five
a quarter to x+1 或者 x forty-five如4点3刻:a quarter to five 或者four forty-five
half past x or x 30 如5:30是half past five或者five thirty.
第1个回答  2009-05-02
X点差一分钟 one to X
三点差一分:one to three
X点X分 X X
三点二十二分: three twenty two
X点三刻 three quarter past X
一点三刻: three quarter past one
X点半 X thirty
一点半: one thirty
第2个回答  2009-05-03
例:one to one(12:59)

one past one(1:01)one to twelve(12:40)这里有两种方法,几点半以前要用几点PAST多少分,几点半以后要理解成几点缺几分,要用几点缺几分的那个几点TO缺多少分。

几点三刻和上面的方法一样,一刻是a quarter,几点三刻要理解成几点缺一刻,所以应是a quarter to one(12:45)

half past one (1:30)
第3个回答  2009-05-02
1. one minute to x
2.比如 12点13 说成 thirteen past twelve
3. three quarters past x / one quarter to (x+1)差一刻x+1点钟
4. 12.30==twelve thirty/ half past twelve
第4个回答  2009-05-02
1. One Minute to one o'clock
2. Two minutes past two
3. Three quarter past three
4. Half past four