

Surrey,Birmingham,Oxford Brookes,Liverpool John Moores等等学校的酒店管理都很不错啦,虽然这些学校的综合排名不是很高,酒店管理却是他们的特色。
第1个回答  2009-04-14
第2个回答  2009-04-14

Hospitality; Leisure; Sport; Recreation and Tourism

1 Loughborough 5*C 414 70% 100

2 Birmingham 5*A 379 61% 96.9

3 Exeter 5C 356 64% 93.6

4 Glasgow 5*A 347 47% 91.6

5 Bangor 5A 238 61% 88.2

6 De Montfort 4B 69% 88

7 Aberdeen 4B 264 69% 87.8

8 Bath 3aC 401 69% 87.7

9 Leeds 3aC 350 63% 84.4

10 Brighton 4A 281 53% 84.2

11 Liverpool John Moores 5*B 273 56% 83.7

12 Stirling 4B 271 58% 82.9

13 Brunel 4B 312 62% 82.5

14 Strathclyde 4C 275 55% 81.7

=14 Essex 299 68% 81.7

16 Nottingham Trent 3aC 260 66% 81

17 Manchester 4C 321 57% 80.4

18 Durham 364 71% 79.8

19 Chichester 3aC 225 58% 79.7

20 Surrey 4C 300 57% 78.3

21 Newman 232 74% 78.1

22 Ulster 4D 295 45% 77.7

23 Manchester Metropolitan 5*C 243 52% 76.4

24 Northumbria 283 55% 75.9

25 Bedfordshire 4C 211 58% 75

=25 Portsmouth 244 56% 75

27 Edinburgh 3aD 359 49% 74.6

28 Aberystwyth 254 45% 74.5

=28 Sheffield Hallam 4E 270 52% 74.5

30 Southampton 336 55% 74.1

31 Swansea 267 46% 73.6

=31 Leeds Metropolitan 3aD 267 58% 73.6

33 UWCN, Newport 171 60% 73.2

34 Hertfordshire 3aC 264 48% 73

35 Robert Gordon 287 53% 72.7

=35 Oxford Brookes 276 59% 72.7

=35 Bournemouth 269 65% 72.7

38 Canterbury Christ Church 3bC 200 52% 72.3

39 Central Lancashire 253 53% 71.9

40 Worcester 235 59% 71.4

=40 Hull 250 62% 71.4

42 University of the Arts, London 294 49% 71.1

43 Chester 255 53% 70.8

44 Staffordshire 3aE 199 43% 70.6

45 Teesside 248 46% 70.3

46 Queen Margaret Edinburgh 257 53% 69.9

47 Roehampton 3bD 193 56% 69.5

48 York St John 232 53% 69.3

49 St Mary's College 207 56% 68.9

=49 UWIC, Cardiff 3aF 248 50% 68.9

51 Kent 178 50% 68.7

52 London South Bank 3aD 177 48% 68.6

53 Coventry 244 50% 68.1

54 Gloucestershire 3bE 239 46% 67.4

55 Glamorgan 3bB 185 41% 66.5

=55 Cumbria 255 65% 66.5

57 Westminster 3aD 33% 66.3

58 East London 150 71% 66

59 Kingston 195 54% 65.6

60 Glasgow Caledonian 3aE 261 34% 64.8

61 Northampton 187 46% 64.6

62 Abertay 237 46% 64.4

63 Salford 215 43% 64.1

64 Wolverhampton 3aE 181 45% 64

65 Winchester 218 45% 63.6

=65 Edge Hill 232 42% 63.6

67 Greenwich 212 60% 63.4

68 Lincoln 215 46% 63.1

69 Plymouth 251 38% 62.9

70 Marjon, Plymouth 188 39% 61.7

71 Anglia Ruskin 2B 208 34% 61

72 West of Scotland 212 43% 60.5

73 Southampton Solent 188 45% 60.2

74 Huddersfield 229 44% 59.5

75 Buckinghamshire New 3bE 199 40% 59.4

76 Heriot-Watt 218 35% 59.2

77 West of England 244 46% 57.7

78 Derby 219 45% 56.2

79 Middlesex 183 41% 55.6

80 Thames Valley 153 44% 52.5