


1. N-VAR 可变名词(尤指用于缝纫的)细线,细丝 Thread or a thread is a long very thin piece of a material such as cotton, nylon, or silk, especially one that is used in sewing.

2. N-COUNT 可数名词主线;思路;脉络 The thread of an argument, a story, or a situation is an aspect of it that connects all the different parts together.

3. N-COUNT 可数名词线状物;一线 A thread of something such as liquid, light, or colour is a long thin line or piece of it.

4. N-PLURAL 复数名词衣服 You can refer to clothes as threads .

5. N-COUNT 可数名词螺纹 The thread on a screw, or on something such as a lid or a pipe, is the raised spiral line of metal or plastic around it which allows it to be fixed in place by twisting.

6. VERB 动词穿行;曲折穿过;蜿蜒 If you thread your way through a group of people or things, or thread through it, you move through it carefully or slowly, changing direction frequently as you move.

7. VERB 动词使(细长的物体)穿过;使穿进 If you thread a long thin object through something, you pass it through one or more holes or narrow spaces.

8. VERB 动词将(珠子等)穿起来 If you thread small objects such as beads onto a string or thread, you join them together by pushing the string through them.

9. VERB 动词穿(针) When you thread a needle, you put a piece of thread through the hole in the top of the needle in order to sew with it.追答

