大神们,帮帮忙吧, 帮帮学渣翻译一下吧。


Sitting for longer than four hours a day increases a person’s chance of getting diseases. It is a growing health problem that threatens to cause cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

Benoit Maltaone, a French designer discovered that officer workers spent around 70 percent of the day sitting down. To solve the lack of physical activity in modern work life, he came up with a great idea—two-legged chair, which aims to encourage the user to move at his or her desk.
伯努瓦 麦堂能,一个法国设计师发现,办公室职员在一天内的差不多70%的时间都是坐着的。为了解决在现代工作生活中缺乏的体力活动,他想出了一个好主意,两条腿的椅子,其目的是鼓励用户在他或她的办公桌旁移动。

The chair just has two legs and requires the user to balance it. Despite looking risky, it is designed to prevent people from falling while using it. But the chair is slightly uncomfortable, as the user has to keep changing position to keep it balanced. It promotes other parts of the body, just as an exercise ball, forcing the user to have better posture. When the chair is not being, used, it has to be leaning against the wall or table.

Sedentary behavior is so common now. Most people have little physical activity during the day. People watch a lot of TV and work on computers. Many people suffer from spine and muscle problems. Companies are coming up with new products to make our lives easier, such as autonomous cleaners or other home robots, but trying to consumers an easier life creates lots of health problems. Our houses are becoming more and more comfortable and people would not imagine a house built with the idea of discomfort.
According to Benoit, the design is not just about filling a gap in the furniture market. The challenge of the chair is to provide a product which tries to encourage people to move their the whole body. The practice of this special chair make people change their bad habit. It will encourage
第1个回答  2015-12-16