The Beginning of the World(盘古开天辟地)


    In the remoteages , the world was in complete indistinguishable chaos like a giant egg . Pan Gu,creator of the universe , was born in it. He grew bigger and stronger whensleeping in it for over 18.000 years.


    One day, Pan Gu suddenlywoke up and saw nothing but darkness around him. Enraged by the narrowness and the darkness , Pan Gu grabbed a bigaxe out of nowhere and slashed around him vigorously. With a deafening blare shaking the world ,the giant egg was split up and from it something clearand light ascended while something turbid and heavy descended, turning into theheaven and earth respectively.


    Being afraid oftheir folding-up again, Pan Gu stood and hung in there with his head up to skyand his feet down to earth. As the world continued to be expanded. Pan Gu grewin height as well. For another 18,000 years in this way, the heaven and earthwere finally fixed when Pan Gu s height stopped increasing at 90,000 li (about45,000 kilometers).


    However, Pan Guwas exhausted and slammed down after such strenuous work for such a long time .

    With his death,his body underwent marvelous changes. His breath turned into the wind and the cloud,hisvoice into thunder; his left eye into the sun while his right eye into themoon; his limbs and body into the four poles of the earthy and the Five Mountains(Taishan Mountain in Shandong, Huashan Mountain in Shaanxi, Songshan Mountainin Henan, Hengshan Mountain in Shanxi and Hengshan Mountain in Hunan); hisblood into rivers and lakes, veins into thoroughfares, muscle into fertilesoil, skin into flowers and trees; his teeth and bones into various metals andstones, marrow intopearls and jewelry, sweat into rain and shower. The rudiment of the beautifulworld was formed.



    This is one ofthe oldest legends of Chinese nation . Later generations commemorate and recallPan Gu in different ways . 30 li(15 kilometers ) south of Biyang Country ,Henan Province lies a Pangu Mountain . The Pangu Mountain Temple Fair is heldevery year on the third day of the third lunar month , and on that day peoplefrom all directions will gather here for worship and blessing activities .



    indistinguishable  /ˌɪndɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃəbl/ adj.不能区别的,不能辨别的;不易察觉的

    chaos    /ˈkeɪɒs/ n. 混沌,混乱

    enraged /ɪn'reɪdʒd/ adj. 暴怒的;忿怒填胸的      v.使发怒;触怒(enrage的过去分词)

    deafening  /ˈdefnɪŋ/

        adj. 震耳欲聋的;极喧闹的

        v. 使…聋(deafen的ing形式)

        n. 隔音

    slashed /slæʃed/ v. 削减(slash的过去式及过去分词)

    marvelous  /ˈmɑːvələs/     adj.了不起的;非凡的;令人惊异的;不平常的

    marrow  /ˈmærəʊ/ n. 髓,骨髓;精华;活力