本科论文摘要 翻译成 英文



Abstract (摘要)

Rely on the Internet e-commerce refers to business activities carried out by a whole new way.电子商务是指依靠Internet来进行的商务活动的一种全新的方式。 E-commerce site as a front-end e-commerce service platform, in the business plays an important role. 电子商务网站作为电子商务的前端服务平台,在整个商务活动中起着举足轻重的作用。There are a lot of the current type of e-commerce site, including more mature, there are still in perfect.目前市面上有很多电子商务型网站,其中有比较成熟的,也有还在不断完善中的。 E-commerce web site development a variety of technologies can be divided into ASP, PHP, JSP and so on, or. NET technologies and J2EE, are in the field of e-commerce applications easily. 电子商务网站开发的技术五花八门,可以分为ASP,PHP,JSP等,或者.NET技术和J2EE等,都在电子商务的领域里应用的游刃有余。What e-commerce web site development and technology which would be better used? In fact, they can not be generalized. 电子商务的网站开发究竟采用哪项技术会更好?其实它们不能一概而论。

Keywords关键字: e-commerce sites电子商务网站, e-commerce web site development techniques电子商务网站开发技术比较, examples of e-commerce sites电子商务网站实例


第1个回答  2009-05-29
Abstract( 摘要 )

Rely on the Internet e-commerce refers to business activities carried out by a whole new way. E-commerce site as a front-end e-commerce service platform, in the business plays an important role. There are a lot of the current type of e-commerce site, including more mature, there are still in perfect. E-commerce web site development a variety of technologies can be divided into ASP, PHP, JSP and so on, or. NET technologies and J2EE, are in the field of e-commerce applications easily. What e-commerce web site development and technology which would be better used? In fact, they can not be generalized.

Keywords(关键词): e-commerce sites, e-commerce web site development techniques, examples of e-commerce sites
第2个回答  2009-05-29
Rely on the Internet e-commerce refers to business activities carried out by a whole new way. E-commerce site as a front-end e-commerce service platform, in the business plays an important role. There are a lot of the current type of e-commerce site, including more mature, there are still in perfect. E-commerce web site development a variety of technologies can be divided into ASP, PHP, JSP and so on, or. NET technologies and J2EE, are in the field of e-commerce applications easily. What e-commerce web site development and technology which would be better used? In fact, they can not be generalized.