可以将下面文字翻译成英文,急需! 在漫长的香文化发展过程中,中西方用香的方式和对香的态度



In the process of development of incense culture long, in the West with fragrant and fragrant attitude have different characteristics. The West will be a variety of spices extracts of sesame oil, fragrance, perfume and into, spray on the body, clothing or bedroom, and China and affected by the North Korea, Japan and other Oriental countries, reserves and burning incense, incense, incense and other wear development, and the formation of the thousands of years of incense culture. On the West with fragrant difference, it can be said that the difference of incense and perfume. Chinese traditional incense incense, pay attention to the quality of the exquisite artifacts, application research, to upgrade the spiritual realm; the West since perfumes appeared, people gradually accustomed to the use of perfume to cover up the taste, personality and taste, until it became a status symbol. First, we can see that the West used incense difference comes from the different ways of thinking. Westerners focus on intuitive, like some kind of smell is sprayed directly, with fragrance, let others feel intuitively; Oriental people especially Chinese, thousands of years of cultural heritage so they pay more attention to the sense of