[第325次听写]除了Plan to以外还能怎么表示“计划做某事”?


欢迎来到每日英语提升课堂,我是Wind,前字幕组组长,坚持每日听写美剧,让你轻松学英语。今天,我们聚焦于如何表达“计划做某事”,除了Plan to,还有哪些妙招?

首先,接受建议的方式多种多样,就像视频中的"I've decided to take your advice",这相当于说"我决定采纳你的建议"。这是一种积极的态度,表明你愿意倾听并付诸行动。不妨试试:"Take my advice, don't hesitate." 或者 "I'll follow your suggestion and see where it leads."

说到计划,我们来看看"arranged to do sth",这意味着"安排好做某事"。例如,"I've arranged a meeting with John",这同样可以表达为"I've made plans to meet John." 这两个时态,现在完成时和一般过去时,尽管形式不同,但在口语中常常可以互换,让你的表达更加自然灵活。



1. Penny, Penny, Penny: 这是一种重复强调,你可以说 "I'll make sure to give Penny three knocks before I enter, just like in the scene."

2. You know I'm waiting: "It's a subtle reminder that actions speak louder than words, as the character points out, 'You do realize I'm standing right there, waiting for your three knocks?'

3. Time is precious: 'The character's frustration with the unnecessary delay is expressed through 'It's a waste of time, isn't it?'

4. A waste of time: 'As an example, the current conversation could be cited, 'If you're searching for a waste of time, this is it.'

5.约会的转折: 'A surprise plan emerges, 'I've decided to put your advice into action and made plans for a date with Amy Farrah Fowler.'

对话的紧张感在这里体现得淋漓尽致,"Oh, that's great. Have fun." 和 "Wait, you have to drive me!" 之间的对比,展示了计划中的变数和角色间的互动。

