

at which中的which是关系代词,指代前面的先行词(即定语从句所修饰的词)rate, 它在定语从句中 作介词at的宾语。这里的 at which = which ... at。关系代词在定语从句中作介词宾语时,介词可以提前,即将介词置于关系代词之前, 不过关系代词who, that 除外。例如:
1. That is the house which / that he once lived in.
= That is the house in which / where he once lived. 那就是他曾经住过的房子。
2. The man who / that / whom I will go with is a professor
= The man with whom I will go is a professor. 要和我一起去的那个人是一位教授。
3. The tree which / that we often enjoyed the cool air under has been cut down.
= The tree under which we often enjoyed the cool air has been cut down. 我们经常在下面乘凉的那棵树已经被砍倒了。