

hellow everyone please allow me to introduce myself, i am and come from
today i have the honour of introducing a butiful pleas .所以 现在 跟我一起去看看 这个让人着迷的地方吧

anhui has many famous mountains and waters .huangshan has been admired since the past
it's famous 奇松 怪石 云海 温泉 黄山 还有 一条 几千年历史的古老街道 很是 美丽

说道 山 不得不说 安徽 另一个 著名景点 它是 四大宗教 道教的 发源地 之一 大家 一定 猜到了 就是 香火繁盛的

关于 宗教 安徽 黄山附近 还有 清幽的云谷寺

这是 美丽安静的皖南漳度 泾溪 古镇 泾溪的水 像一面镜子一样的明亮 传说 诗仙 李白在旅途中 路过美丽的泾溪 泛舟湖上 忽看见 水中 彷佛有
美若洛神的美人 上岸后 称其 仙踪古镇 便自此 流连数月 又到了 美丽的 敬亭山 和 秋浦河

还有 美丽的汤口 汤口长期有天鹅 徙居 数百亩的天然高尔夫球场休闲区

芜湖的森林公园 山明水秀 瀑布很多 还有 国家一级保护动物 娃娃鱼

说道古镇 不如 先来 看一下 我们 以后 会去写生 的西递 宏村 在皖南众多风格独特的徽派民居村落中,宏村是最具代表性的 古黟桃花源里一座奇特的牛形古村落宏村始建于南宋绍兴年间(约公元1131-1162年),距今约有900年的历史

可能 大家 不知道的 还有 安静 的 许村

三河古镇以水乡为特色,形成了江淮地区独有的古河、古桥、古民居、古街、古圩、古茶楼、古庙会、古战场 开发有杨振宁客居地、一人巷、朝阳门、刘秉璋古宅、李鸿章粮仓、英王府等景点。
三河乃庐南水乡古镇,历史悠久,人文荟萃,传统饮食文化源源流长。它取南北菜系之长, 集徽、川、淮扬菜之大成,形成自己独具特色的菜肴风味。色香、味醇、价实,为南来北往旅客之青睐。既有高档佳肴,也有普通土菜。古镇渊源久远的饮食文化,更造就了三河土菜与点心融南汇北之长,又具有独特风味,堪称一绝,“玩在黄山,吃在三河”

因为爱他 所以 了解它 所以谢谢 大家 今天 与我分享 我心中的 美丽的 家乡 以后 如果 大家 到安徽 来玩 我将告诉你们 更全面的咨询


Hellow everyone please allow me to introduce myself , i am and come from today i have the honour of introducing a butiful pleas. Place let person be fascinated therefore going to take a look at this together with me now Anhui has many famous mountains and waters. That huangshan has been admired since the past it's famous Qisong blames Shi Yun Hai hot spring Mount Huangshan for still having antiquited a several history in 1000 neighbourhood is beautiful very much Say that the mountain has to say another famous Anhui spot it is that everybody definitely has guessed is that the burning incense is prosperous right away nine Huashan Mountain of one of Taoist headstream of 4-big religion About religion Anhui, Mount Huangshan still has the cloud grain temple quiet and beautiful nearby This is that quiet beautiful Anhui Nan Zhang county spends the vain water of Jinghe River streamlet ancient county Jinghe River image at the same time mirror-like bright legend poem immortal Li Bai goes by in the journey beautiful Jinghe River streamlet drift about in boat seeing that water Fang Buddha has as beautiful as saying whose immortal trace ancient county lingers around just ever since counting month having arrived at beautiful respecting after the magical beautiful woman of Luoyang goes on shore pavilion mountain and autumn Urakawa suddenly on the lake Still have the beautiful soup mouthful of soup mouth long range having a swan to move house to several hundred mus of natural golf links lie fallow area The Wuhu forest park beautiful mountains and rivers waterfall many still have the first-grade State protection animal giant salamander Say west that can go and paint from life passes the grand village after the ancient county had better come to take a look at us first in a lot of unique southern Anhui style emblems faction people residence village, the grand village is that the grand village of acient village of peculiar one cattle shape begins in have most typical black ancient times Peach Garden building Yu Southern Song Dynasty Shaoxing (making an appointment with 1131-1162 A.D. during a certain era) , every family all has a water channel to be linked together in the village from when now history having 900 years about , Qing Quan flows past every family bicker a burble , tier of buildings fold up yard ... Master of possibility does not know still have quiet Xu Cun The San He ancient county takes region of rivers and lakes as characteristic , the people lives in , ancient times Street , acient country fair , acient teahouse , acient temple fair , acient battlefield develop ancient times River , ancient bridge , ancient times having formed Yangtzi-Huai area only's to there is C.N. Yang living abroad in field , one people alley , the door exposed to the sun , acient house of Liu Bing Zhang , spots such as Li Hong Zhang granary , UK king mansion. San He is indeed that the region of rivers and lakes ancient county, has a long history , the humanity gathers together in cottage the south , tradition cooking culture flows to grow continuously. It fetches strong point of north and south style of cooking , is a comprehensive expression of emblem , river , Huai river and Yangzhou area dish , forms self having the characteristic cooked food local flavour alone. The color is fragrant , taste alcohol , price are true, favour of being a passenger be always on the move. Both have top grade delicious dishes and, have the average soil dish. Ancient county origin remote cooking culture, have brought up San He soil dish and dessert more melting strong point of the Nan Hui north, can't have local flavour unique , can be rated as a special skill ", plays in Mount Huangshan, eat in San He " Because of loving him therefore knowing it therefore thanking you, after everybody shares my beautiful hometown at heart with me today, if everybody comes to Anhui to play, I will inform you of more all-round consulting about 说道 山 不得不说 安徽 另一个 著名景点 它是 四大宗教 道教的 发源地 之一 大家 一定 猜到了 就是 香火繁盛的

关于 宗教 安徽 黄山附近 还有 清幽的云谷寺

这是 美丽安静的皖南漳度 泾溪 古镇 泾溪的水 像一面镜子一样的明亮 传说 诗仙 李白在旅途中 路过美丽的泾溪 泛舟湖上 忽看见 水中 彷佛有
美若洛神的美人 上岸后 称其 仙踪古镇 便自此 流连数月 又到了 美丽的 敬亭山 和 秋浦河

还有 美丽的汤口 汤口长期有天鹅 徙居 数百亩的天然高尔夫球场休闲区

芜湖的森林公园 山明水秀 瀑布很多 还有 国家一级保护动物 娃娃鱼

说道古镇 不如 先来 看一下 我们 以后 会去写生 的西递 宏村 在皖南众多风格独特的徽派民居村落中,宏村是最具代表性的 古黟桃花源里一座奇特的牛形古村落宏村始建于南宋绍兴年间(约公元1131-1162年),距今约有900年的历史

可能 大家 不知道的 还有 安静 的 许村

三河古镇以水乡为特色,形成了江淮地区独有的古河、古桥、古民居、古街、古圩、古茶楼、古庙会、古战场 开发有杨振宁客居地、一人巷、朝阳门、刘秉璋古宅、李鸿章粮仓、英王府等景点。
三河乃庐南水乡古镇,历史悠久,人文荟萃,传统饮食文化源源流长。它取南北菜系之长, 集徽、川、淮扬菜之大成,形成自己独具特色的菜肴风味。色香、味醇、价实,为南来北往旅客之青睐。既有高档佳肴,也有普通土菜。古镇渊源久远的饮食文化,更造就了三河土菜与点心融南汇北之长,又具有独特风味,堪称一绝,“玩在黄山,吃在三河”

因为爱他 所以 了解它 所以谢谢 大家 今天 与我分享 我心中的 美丽的 家乡 以后 如果 大家 到安徽 来玩 我将告诉你们 更全面的咨询
第1个回答  2009-04-19
说道 山 不得不说 安徽 另一个 著名景点 它是 四大宗教 道教的 发源地 之一 大家 一定 猜到了 就是 香火繁盛的

关于 宗教 安徽 黄山附近 还有 清幽的云谷寺

这是 美丽安静的皖南漳度 泾溪 古镇 泾溪的水 像一面镜子一样的明亮 传说 诗仙 李白在旅途中 路过美丽的泾溪 泛舟湖上 忽看见 水中 彷佛有
美若洛神的美人 上岸后 称其 仙踪古镇 便自此 流连数月 又到了 美丽的 敬亭山 和 秋浦河

还有 美丽的汤口 汤口长期有天鹅 徙居 数百亩的天然高尔夫球场休闲区

芜湖的森林公园 山明水秀 瀑布很多 还有 国家一级保护动物 娃娃鱼

说道古镇 不如 先来 看一下 我们 以后 会去写生 的西递 宏村 在皖南众多风格独特的徽派民居村落中,宏村是最具代表性的 古黟桃花源里一座奇特的牛形古村落宏村始建于南宋绍兴年间(约公元1131-1162年),距今约有900年的历史

可能 大家 不知道的 还有 安静 的 许村

三河古镇以水乡为特色,形成了江淮地区独有的古河、古桥、古民居、古街、古圩、古茶楼、古庙会、古战场 开发有杨振宁客居地、一人巷、朝阳门、刘秉璋古宅、李鸿章粮仓、英王府等景点。
三河乃庐南水乡古镇,历史悠久,人文荟萃,传统饮食文化源源流长。它取南北菜系之长, 集徽、川、淮扬菜之大成,形成自己独具特色的菜肴风味。色香、味醇、价实,为南来北往旅客之青睐。既有高档佳肴,也有普通土菜。古镇渊源久远的饮食文化,更造就了三河土菜与点心融南汇北之长,又具有独特风味,堪称一绝,“玩在黄山,吃在三河”

因为爱他 所以 了解它 所以谢谢 大家 今天 与我分享 我心中的 美丽的 家乡 以后 如果 大家 到安徽 来玩 我将告诉你们 更全面的咨询

Hill had said that another well-known attractions in Anhui four it is the birthplace of Taoism, one of religion, we must guess the incense is thriving


Huangshan in Anhui Province on the religious there is quiet near the云谷寺

This is a beautiful quiet degrees Wannan Zhangweixin Jingyang Jingyang Creek Town Creek water as bright as a mirror诗仙Li legend on the road passing through the river rafting on the beautiful Lake Jingyang suddenly saw the water as if there

Luo beauty of the United States if called upon landing仙踪hang around town a few months since they went to the beautiful mountains and秋浦河Jingting

I have a beautiful soup soup徙居Swan I have a few long-term natural mu golf course leisure areas

Wuhu picturesque waterfall of Forest Park at the national level there is a lot of animal protection giant salamander

Not as good as the first town said we will look at the painting to the Xidi Hongcun in Southern Anhui many unique residential villages in Anhui, is the most representative Hongcun Yi ancient Land of Peach Blossoms in a strange-shaped ancient village cattle Acer Shaoxing village was founded in the Southern Song period (about 1131-1162 AD), the back about 900 years of history

The village households have water connected to gurgle gurgling springs flow from the households, the stack floors house ...

May we also do not know of many quiet village

Water for the town of three rivers to the characteristics of the region formed a unique Jianghuai Furukawa, Old Bridge, the ancient houses, Old Streets, ancient dike, the ancient tea houses, the temple, the ancient battlefield guest to the development of Chen Ning Yang, one Lane, Chaoyang Gate,刘秉璋House, granary Li, Britain Wangfu attractions.

Three Rivers House is a town of South River, has a long history, Gathering of Talents for the source of the origins of traditional food culture long. It's taken a long north-south cuisine, set emblem, Sichuan, epitomize Huaiyang to form their own unique style of cuisine. Color incense味醇, price is for travelers南来北往favor. Both high-end cuisine, but also ordinary dishes soil. Ancient town of origin of food culture, but also created the Three Rivers Soil and dim sum dishes long into NANHUI North, but also has a unique flavor, one can never, "playing in the Huangshan Mountain, eat at the Three Rivers"

Because love him so thank you all know it today, so I share my heart with the beauty of his hometown in Anhui after the play if you and I will tell you more comprehensive advice

第2个回答  2009-04-22
hellow everyone please allow me to introduce myself, i am and come from
today i have the honour of introducing a butiful pleas .
anhui has many famous mountains and waters .huangshan has been admired since the past
it's famous
Say that the mountain has to say another famous Anhui spot it is that everybody definitely has guessed is that the burning incense is prosperous right away nine Huashan Mountain of one of Taoist headstream of 4-big religion About religion Anhui, Mount Huangshan still has the cloud grain temple quiet and beautiful nearby This is that quiet beautiful Anhui Nan Zhang county spends the vain water of Jinghe River streamlet ancient county Jinghe River image at the same time mirror-like bright legend poem immortal Li Bai goes by in the journey beautiful Jinghe River streamlet drift about in boat seeing that water Fang Buddha has as beautiful as saying whose immortal trace ancient county lingers around just ever since counting month having arrived at beautiful respecting after the magical beautiful woman of Luoyang goes on shore pavilion mountain and autumn Urakawa suddenly on the lake Still have the beautiful soup mouthful of soup mouth long range having a swan to move house to several hundred mus of natural golf links lie fallow area The Wuhu forest park beautiful mountains and rivers waterfall many still have the first-grade State protection animal giant salamander Say west that can go and paint from life passes the grand village after the ancient county had better come to take a look at us first in a lot of unique southern Anhui style emblems faction people residence village, the grand village is that the grand village of acient village of peculiar one cattle shape begins in have most typical black ancient times Peach Garden building Yu Southern Song Dynasty Shaoxing (making an appointment with 1131-1162 A.D. during a certain era) , every family all has a water channel to be linked together in the village from when now history having 900 years about , Qing Quan flows past every family bicker a burble , tier of buildings fold up yard ... Master of possibility does not know still have quiet Xu Cun The San He ancient county takes region of rivers and lakes as characteristic , the people lives in , ancient times Street , acient country fair , acient teahouse , acient temple fair , acient battlefield develop ancient times River , ancient bridge , ancient times having formed Yangtzi-Huai area only's to there is C.N. Yang living abroad in field , one people alley , the door exposed to the sun , acient house of Liu Bing Zhang , spots such as Li Hong Zhang granary , UK king mansion. San He is indeed that the region of rivers and lakes ancient county, has a long history , the humanity gathers together in cottage the south , tradition cooking culture flows to grow continuously. It fetches strong point of north and south style of cooking , is a comprehensive expression of emblem , river , Huai river and Yangzhou area dish , forms self having the characteristic cooked food local flavour alone. The color is fragrant , taste alcohol , price are true, favour of being a passenger be always on the move. Both have top grade delicious dishes and, have the average soil dish. Ancient county origin remote cooking culture, have brought up San He soil dish and dessert more melting strong point of the Nan Hui north, can't have local flavour unique , can be rated as a special skill ", plays in Mount Huangshan, eat in San He " Because of loving him therefore knowing it therefore thanking you, after everybody shares my beautiful hometown at heart with me today, if everybody comes to Anhui to play, I will inform you of more all-round consulting about
第3个回答  2009-04-21
Hellow everyone please allow me to introduce myself , i am and come from today i have the honour of introducing a butiful pleas. Place let person be fascinated therefore going to take a look at this together with me now Anhui has many famous mountains and waters. That huangshan has been admired since the past it's famous Qisong blames Shi Yun Hai hot spring Mount Huangshan for still having antiquited a several history in 1000 neighbourhood is beautiful very much Say that the mountain has to say another famous Anhui spot it is that everybody definitely has guessed is that the burning incense is prosperous right away nine Huashan Mountain of one of Taoist headstream of 4-big religion About religion Anhui, Mount Huangshan still has the cloud grain temple quiet and beautiful nearby This is that quiet beautiful Anhui Nan Zhang county spends the vain water of Jinghe River streamlet ancient county Jinghe River image at the same time mirror-like bright legend poem immortal Li Bai goes by in the journey beautiful Jinghe River streamlet drift about in boat seeing that water Fang Buddha has as beautiful as saying whose immortal trace ancient county lingers around just ever since counting month having arrived at beautiful respecting after the magical beautiful woman of Luoyang goes on shore pavilion mountain and autumn Urakawa suddenly on the lake Still have the beautiful soup mouthful of soup mouth long range having a swan to move house to several hundred mus of natural golf links lie fallow area The Wuhu forest park beautiful mountains and rivers waterfall many still have the first-grade State protection animal giant salamander Say west that can go and paint from life passes the grand village after the ancient county had better come to take a look at us first in a lot of unique southern Anhui style emblems faction people residence village, the grand village is that the grand village of acient village of peculiar one cattle shape begins in have most typical black ancient times Peach Garden building Yu Southern Song Dynasty Shaoxing (making an appointment with 1131-1162 A.D. during a certain era) , every family all has a water channel to be linked together in the village from when now history having 900 years about , Qing Quan flows past every family bicker a burble , tier of buildings fold up yard ... Master of possibility does not know still have quiet Xu Cun The San He ancient county takes region of rivers and lakes as characteristic , the people lives in , ancient times Street , acient country fair , acient teahouse , acient temple fair , acient battlefield develop ancient times River , ancient bridge , ancient times having formed Yangtzi-Huai area only's to there is C.N. Yang living abroad in field , one people alley , the door exposed to the sun , acient house of Liu Bing Zhang , spots such as Li Hong Zhang granary , UK king mansion. San He is indeed that the region of rivers and lakes ancient county, has a long history , the humanity gathers together in cottage the south , tradition cooking culture flows to grow continuously. It fetches strong point of north and south style of cooking , is a comprehensive expression of emblem , river , Huai river and Yangzhou area dish , forms self having the characteristic cooked food local flavour alone. The color is fragrant , taste alcohol , price are true, favour of being a passenger be always on the move. Both have top grade delicious dishes and, have the average soil dish. Ancient county origin remote cooking culture, have brought up San He soil dish and dessert more melting strong point of the Nan Hui north, can't have local flavour unique , can be rated as a special skill ", plays in Mount Huangshan, eat in San He " Because of loving him therefore knowing it therefore thanking you, after everybody shares my beautiful hometown at heart with me today, if everybody comes to Anhui to play, I will inform you of more all-round consulting about
第4个回答  2009-04-19
hellow everyone please allow me to introduce myself, i am and come from

today i have the honour of introducing a butiful pleas. So now with me to look at the fascination of it

anhui has many famous mountains and waters. huangshan has been admired since the past

Qi-Song rock it's famous sea of clouds in Huangshan Hot Springs has a history of several thousand years old is a beautiful street

Hill had said that another well-known attractions in Anhui four it is the birthplace of Taoism, one of religion, we must guess the incense is thriving


Huangshan in Anhui Province on the religious there is quiet near the云谷寺

This is a beautiful quiet degrees Wannan Zhangweixin Jingyang Jingyang Creek Town Creek water as bright as a mirror诗仙Li legend on the road passing through the river rafting on the beautiful Lake Jingyang suddenly saw the water as if there

Luo beauty of the United States if called upon landing仙踪hang around town a few months since they went to the beautiful mountains and秋浦河Jingting

I have a beautiful soup soup徙居Swan I have a few long-term natural mu golf course leisure areas

Wuhu picturesque waterfall of Forest Park at the national level there is a lot of animal protection giant salamander

Not as good as the first town said we will look at the painting to the Xidi Hongcun in Southern Anhui many unique residential villages in Anhui, is the most representative Hongcun Yi ancient Land of Peach Blossoms in a strange-shaped ancient village cattle Acer Shaoxing village was founded in the Southern Song period (about 1131-1162 AD), the back about 900 years of history

The village households have water connected to gurgle gurgling springs flow from the households, the stack floors house ...

May we also do not know of many quiet village

Water for the town of three rivers to the characteristics of the region formed a unique Jianghuai Furukawa, Old Bridge, the ancient houses, Old Streets, ancient dike, the ancient tea houses, the temple, the ancient battlefield guest to the development of Chen Ning Yang, one Lane, Chaoyang Gate,刘秉璋House, granary Li, Britain Wangfu attractions.

Three Rivers House is a town of South River, has a long history, Gathering of Talents for the source of the origins of traditional food culture long. It's taken a long north-south cuisine, set emblem, Sichuan, epitomize Huaiyang to form their own unique style of cuisine. Color incense味醇, price is for travelers南来北往favor. Both high-end cuisine, but also ordinary dishes soil. Ancient town of origin of food culture, but also created the Three Rivers Soil and dim sum dishes long into NANHUI North, but also has a unique flavor, one can never, "playing in the Huangshan Mountain, eat at the Three Rivers"

Because love him so thank you all know it today, so I share my heart with the beauty of his hometown in Anhui after the play if you and I will tell you more comprehensive advice