

1身体部位: arm胳膊,back后背,ear耳朵,hair头发,hand手, neck脖子,leg腿,mouth嘴,eye眼睛,knee膝盖, head 头, face脸, nose鼻子, tooth牙, foot 脚 2月份: January一月,February二月,March 三月,April四月, May五月,June六月,July 七月,August八月, September九月, October十月,November十一月, December 十二月 3亲属:aunt姑姑,dad爸爸,father爸爸,grandpa爷爷, grandma奶奶,mother母亲,uncle叔叔,mom妈妈, brother兄弟,cousin 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹, son 儿子,niece 侄女,外甥女,daughter 女儿, nephew 侄子,外甥,husband 丈夫,wife妻子, sister姐姐,妹妹,parents父母 4文具:bag书包,pencil铅笔,ruler尺子,eraser橡皮,pen钢笔, marker书签 5交通工具:bike自行车,bus公共汽车,car小汽车,subway地铁, taxi出租汽车,train火车,ship船,truck 卡车, jeep吉普车,plane飞机,van货车, boat船, spaceship 宇宙飞船,air飞机, airplane 飞机 6颜色:brown棕色,blue蓝色,green绿色,pink粉色,red红色, orange 橘黄色,yellow 黄色, purple紫色, black黑色的/黑的, white白色的, 7疑问词:when什么时候,what什么,where在哪里,which哪一个, who谁,why为什么,how怎样 8基数词: one一,two二,three三,four四,five五,six六,seven七,eight八, nine九,ten十,eleven十一,twelve十二,thirteen十三, fourteen十四,fifteen十五,sixteen十六,seventeen十七, eighteen十八,nineteen十九,twenty二十,thirty三十, forty四十, fifty五十, sixty六十, seventy七十, eighty八十, ninety九十 9序数词:first第一,second第二,third第三,fourth第四,fifth第五, sixth第六,seventh第七,eighth第八,ninth第九, tenth第十 9动物:bird鸟,cat猫,chicken鸡,dog狗,fish鱼,lion 狮子 monkey 猴子,panda熊猫,tiger老虎,bear 熊,fox狐狸, duck鸭子, elephant大象, horse马, mouse=rat老鼠, ox牛, rabbit 兔子, dragon龙, snake蛇, sheep羊, pig 猪 10职业:doctor医生,nurse护士,teacher老师,player运动员, figure skater花样滑冰运动员,spaceman太空飞行员, pilot驾驶员,飞行员,professor(大学)教授, coach(体育运动的)教练,engineer 工程师,dentist 牙医, singer 歌唱家 11食品:bean豆cake蛋糕,chicken鸡肉,egg 鸡蛋,noodle面条, ice cream冰激凌,rice米饭,pizza 比萨饼,bread 面包, fish鱼,hamburger汉堡包,fries炸薯条,ham火腿, sausage 香肠,meatballs肉团,candy糖果, chocolate巧克力, sticky rice dumplings 粽子 12 国家:China中国,Japan日本,USA美国 America 美国,England英格兰, the United States美国, Britain 英国,Germany德国,France法国, Canada 加拿大,Australia澳大利亚 13 形状:circle圆形,square正方形,star 星状,heart 心型, rectangle长方形,round原形 14 衣服:coat外套,dress女装,jacket短上衣,T-shirt T恤衫 sweater毛衣,jean牛仔裤,skirt 裙子,overcoat外套/大衣 uniform制服,pants裤子,vest 背心,hoodie帽衫, shoe鞋, shorts短裤, sock短袜, shirt衬衫, suit(同一料子的)一套衣服(通常指男子的上衣和裤子), tie 领带, 15 饮料:milk牛奶,tea茶,water水,juice果汁,coffee咖啡 16 地点:park公园,school 学校,shop商场,zoo动物园, hospital医院, station车站,museum博物馆, bookstore书店,bank 银行,supermarket超级市场, post office 邮(政)局, lake湖, airport 机场, stage舞台 17 水果:apple苹果,mango芒果,peach桃子,strawberry草莓, orange橘子,peach 桃子,nut 坚果 18 自然: trees树,air空气,grass 草,water水,flowers花 sunlight 阳光 19星期: Monday周一,Tuesday周二,Wednesday周三, Thursday周四,Friday周五,Saturday周六,Sunday周日 20 课程:art美术, English英语, math数学, music音乐, Chinese语文, science科学, handicrafts手工, PE体育,computer信息, ME=moral education品德, history 历史 21 运动名称:baseball棒球, basketball篮球, football足球, ice hockey冰球, skate滑冰, ski滑雪, sled滑雪橇 22 方向:east东, north北, south南, west西 23 病症:fever发烧,flu流行性感冒,headache头痛 24 乐器:piano钢琴 25节日:Chinese New Year新年, 26景点:the Great Wall长城,the Summer Palace颐和园, the Palace Museum故宫,Mount Tai泰山, the Yellow River黄河,Tian’anmen Square天安门广场 Big Ben 大本钟,Tower Bridge塔桥
第1个回答  2009-04-18
动物:pig cat dog elephant bird
颜色:pink red yellow blue green
基数词:three five nine ten eleven
叙述词:third second first fifth fortieth
职业:driver worker manager police man officer
场所:office bank building shopping mall cinema
运动:swimming jogging walking jumping running gym
球类: football basketball ice-hockey tennis rugby
国名:China America Japan Australia Brazil
国名(形容):Chinese Japanese Australian Brazilian
形容物主代词:mine ours theirs his her
名次物主:my our your his her
疑问词:what why when where how
主格:I he she they it
宾格:me him her them it
植物部分:daisy(chu ju) cereus(xian ren zhang) tulip(yu jin xiang)violet(紫罗兰)dandelion(蒲公英)
月份:April May June July November
星期:Monday Tuesday Wednseday Saturday Sunday
动词:teach take bring send move
多音节形容词:beautiful wonderful difficult expensive handsome
单音:busy pretty early tall short
比较级:busier prettier earlier shorter taller
最高:busiest prettiest earliest shortest tallest
动词三单:works teaches studies stays sleeps
科目:math phycics pe English Chinese
季节:Spring Autumn Summer winter
水果:banana apple pear strawberry(cao mei)orange
文具:pen pencil eraser(xiang pi) pencil box ball pen(yuan zhu bi)
介词:in on at until by
蔬菜:tomato potato cucumber(huang gua) shallot(cong) onion(cong tou)
形状:rectangle(长方)quadrate(方形)circle(圆)ellipse(椭圆) hexagon(六角形)
饮料:cola coffee tea mineral water(kuang quan shui) soda water(su da shui)
食物:hamburger sandwich meat rice bread

累死了 希望楼主满意


第2个回答  2009-04-18
1 dog pig panda tiger wolf
2 red, yellow, black, white, green
3 one two three four five
4 first second third fourth fifth
5.doctor nurse driver cook teacher
6.hispital kitchen school shop bank
7.running swimmimg hiking fishing jumping
8.tennis baseball basketball soccer football
9.Chian Japan America England Australia
10.Chinese Japanese Indian Australian Amercian
11. 自己想吧,孩子!学习不可以有依赖性的!这样会害死你的!
第3个回答  2009-04-18
1.dog cat fox cow pig 2.red blue yellow pink black 3.one two three four five 4.first second third sixth seventh 5.doctor nurse driver cook teacher 6.hispital kitchen school shop bank 7.running swimmimg hiking fishing jumping 8.tennis baseball basketball soccer football 9.Chian Japan America England Australia 10.Chinese Japanese Indian Australian Amercian 11.
第4个回答  2009-04-18

Orange Yellow
Purple (紫色)
Brown Magenta (洋红)
Cyan (墨绿)
Olive (橄榄绿/黄绿色)
Maroon (栗色)
Navy (海水蓝)Aquamarine (宝石蓝---比下面的颜色深)
Turquoise (宝石蓝)
Silver (银色)
Lime (柠檬绿)
Teal (水鸭蓝/翡翠蓝)Indigo (翠鸟/蓝翡翠)
Violet (紫罗兰/红和紫之间的颜色)
Pink (粉红色)