

As early as 2500 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher 'Telles' (Thales, 640-546B.C.) knew that the amber friction will attract the hair or wood chips, this phenomenon is called static electricity (electricITy static).
In 1600, British doctor Gilbert (1544 ~ 1603) do years of experiment, found the "power", "electrical attraction", and many other phenomena, and the first to use the "power", "electric attraction" and other special terms, so many says he is the father of the study of electricity.
In the mid eighteenth Century, on the other side of the ocean of the United States, the great scientist Franklin made a number of experiments, to further reveal the nature of the electricity, and put forward the current term.
1831, Faraday made the world's first generator. He found that the first magnet through a closed circuit, the line will have a current generated, this effect is called electromagnetic induction. It is generally believed that Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction is one of his greatest contributions.
1866 German SIEMENS (Siemens) made the world's first industrial generator.
早在2500多年前,古希腊的哲学家‘泰勒斯’(Thales,640-546B.C.)就知道琥珀的摩擦会吸引绒毛或木屑,这种现象称为静电(static electricITy)。