

The family name Lee originated from the Huns(匈奴) in northern China.
Their ancestor is the well-known general Lee Ling (李陵).
Some of the defeated people of Huns migrated to Europe and settled down in Europe.These people are good fighters. The surrendered General Robert Lee ending US Civil War, who married George Washington's granddaughter, is a famous Lee in US history.
Mr. Lee Ling (李陵) was sent by Han Wudi (汉武帝) to attack the Huns, but failed and captured by the Huns.
The Huns respected his military talents and persuaded him to surrender.
While he was thinking about whether or not to serve the Huns, rumors spread in the Court of Han of his surrender, Han Wudi (汉武帝) ordered to kill each and every of his family members back home.
Sima Qian (司马迁), the famous historian, spoke a few words in front of the Emperor, trying to clarify the facts that Mr. Lee Ling had not surrendered yet, which made Han Wudi (汉武帝) so angry that he was punished for his speech with castration(腐刑,也就是阉割).
Mr. Sima Qian (司马迁), a victim of persecution on free speech, wrote the first official history book (史记).
总结:Lee is the family name of every Li from China.
Mr. Lee Ling (李陵) stayed with the Huns and was awarded princess as his new wife, a huge family flourished and became an important family of The Huns.
Later, the Huns was defeated by The Han, and some were forced to leave northern China. So they migrated toward west.
Several hundred years later, the new king Attila of the Huns almost destroyed Rome.
The people of Huns disappeared shortly and merged with other people in Europe.
But the family name Lee carried on. Some immigrated to America.
第1个回答  2011-04-25
第2个回答  2011-04-25
第3个回答  2011-04-25
第4个回答  2011-04-25
不是的。Lee 音译过来是中国的“李”姓,也仅仅是由于读音相近。