

你的星球需要你,联合起来应对气候变化(Your Planet Needs You-UNite to Combat Climate change)
改变传统观念,推行低碳经济(Kick the Habit!Towards a Low Carbon Economy)
冰川消融,后果堪忧(Melting Ice——a Hot Topic?)
沙漠和沙漠化,莫使荒地变沙漠(Deserts and Desertification——Don't Desert Drylands!)
营造绿色城市,呵护地球家园!(Green Cities---Plan for the Plan)
海洋存亡,匹夫有责(Wanted! Seas and Oceans——Dead or Alive? )
水 –二十亿人生命之所系(Water - Two Billion People are Dying for It!)
让地球充满生机(Give Earth a Chance)
时间万物,生命之网(Connect with the World Wide Web of life)
环境千年 – 行动起来(2000 The Environment Millennium - Time to Act)
拯救地球就是拯救未来! (Our Earth - Our Future - Just Save It!)
为了地球上的生命----拯救我们的海洋(For Life on Earth - Save Our Seas)
为了地球上的生命(For Life on Earth)
我们的地球,居住地、家园(Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home)
各国人民联合起来,创造更加美好的未来( We the Peoples: United for the Global Environment)
一个地球,一个家庭(One Earth One Family)
贫穷与环境----摆脱恶性循环(Poverty and the Environment - Breaking the Vicious Circle)
只有一个地球----一起关心,共同分享(Only One Earth, Care and Share)
气候变化----需要全球合作(Climate Change. Need for Global Partnership)
儿童与环境(Children and the Environment)
警惕,全球变暖(Global Warming; Global Warning)
保护环境、持续发展、公众参与(When People Put the Environment First, Development Will last)
环境与居住(Environment and Shelter: More Than A Roof)
环境与和平( A Tree for Peace)
青年、人口、环境(Youth: Population and the Environment)
管理和处理有害废弃物,防止酸雨和提高能源利用率(Managing and Disposing Hazardous waste: Acid Rain and Energy)
纪念斯德哥尔摩人类环境会议十周年--提高环境意识Ten Years After Stockholm (Renewal of Environmental Concerns)
保护地下水和人类食物链,防止有毒化学品污染(Ground Water; Toxic Chemicals in Human Food Chains and Environmental Economics)
新的十年,新的挑战------没有破坏的发展(A New Challenge for the New Decade: Development Without Destruction)
为了儿童--没有破坏的发展(Only One Future for Our Children - Development Without Destruction)
没有破坏的发展(Development Without Destruction)
关注臭氧层破坏、水土流失、土壤退化和滥伐森林(Ozone Layer Environmental Concern; Lands Loss and Soil Degradation; Firewood)
水,生命的重要源泉(Water: Vital Resource for Life)
人类居住(Human Settlements)
只有一个地球(Only one Earth )
第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-24
I do not pluck flowers!(好看花儿我不摘)
Treasure the tables and chairs!(爱护桌椅)
Save water!(节约用水)
Economize on the paper!(节约用纸)
Turn off the light conveniently!(随手关灯)
Step off the grass!(不要践踏草地)
Do not spit everywhere!(不随地吐痰)
Do not litter without care!(不乱丢垃圾)
Do not rock the little tree!(不摇晃小树),
Don’t pick flowers!(不摘花草)
Land is our mother(土地是我们的母亲)
Save water and save life(拯救水资源就是拯救生命)
Keep clean! Disease keep distance from us!(保持卫生!远离疾病!)
Plant trees to safeguard future generations!植树造林,保护下一代)


第2个回答  2011-04-18
第3个回答  2011-04-16
Less traffic, less polution.
Choose the cityrail services, smart choice.