

"Take out"和"take out of"都含有 "取出" 的意思,但在使用上有一些区别。


1. "Take out" 是一个常见的动词短语,意味着从某个地方拿出物体或带走物体。它可以用来描述从容器、袋子、口袋等地方取出物体。例如:

- I need to take out some cash from the ATM.(我需要从自动提款机上取点现金。)

- She took out a book from her backpack.(她从背包里取出一本书。)

- Let's take out the trash and bring it to the curb.(让我们把垃圾拿出来,放到路边。)

2. "Take out of" 是一个更具体的短语,侧重于将物体从一个位置或状态中取出来。它通常用来描述从特定环境或背景中移除物体。例如:

- He took the toy out of the box.(他将玩具从盒子里取出。)

- The teacher took the phone out of the student's hands.(老师从学生手中取走手机。)

- She took the batteries out of the remote control.(她把遥控器里的电池取出。)

总而言之,"take out" 指的是从某地取出物体,而 "take out of" 更强调从特定位置或状态中取出物体。
