
1,Wayne Smith has long advocated storing normal diplomatic relations with Cuba.句中store做什么解释,是引申用法吗?
2,The president succeeded in the army's assumption of power.总统成功地夺取的军权.我不理解the army's assumption of power语序.按照我的肤浅的理解
军权应该是the assumption of army's power.请大家讲解一下.
4,She put her hand under the pillow and drew out with a small automatic.如果去掉with可以吗?
5,在阳台上on the balcony,还是at the balcony.我觉得at好些吧.是个小地方嘛.请教一下.
6,have sb by the throat 什么意思?举个例子吧.
7,The access to confidential documents is denied to all but a few.其中deny to all but a few 涉及到什么固定用法呢?请分析,并给出另一个例子.
8,Mila worked hard in desperate hope of buying a big house for her parents.译文是米拉拼命工作,希望能给父母买栋大房子.我不理解的是:在原句中desperate修饰的是hope,可译文中却修饰work.这样翻译可以吗?不标准吧?请大家指点!
9,The room bore evidence of a struggle.bore做什么解?请再举个例子.

store就是维持的意思 维持外交关系,哈哈 今天这个Wayne Smith正好晚上来我们公司

也可以说成army's power assumption,没问题的,不过一般比较习惯用of的那种语序



at和on the balcony都可以,但根据习惯来讲,用on得比较多

have sb by the throat就是抓住某人要害、把柄的意思,引申为控制、主宰某人。意思可以明显看出,也有这个短语的。

is deinied to all but a few不是什么特别固定的用法。all but a few就是除了一小部分人所有人。

觉得可以这样翻译,翻译不能一对一的。desperate在desperate hope中的确是修饰hope,但整体的in desperate hope是修饰的work.译文是从整体看的。

When the ship reached port, it bore abundant evidence of the severity of the storm. 船抵港时,船上满是受到暴风雨肆虐的痕迹。