请各位帮忙翻译如下一段话 写给客人的 要很委婉 谢谢啦~~~ 我的意思是请客人不要把这票延期的空运 急呀~~

如下订单, 是因为皮料厂商迟了一个月交货,才导致我们延迟了一个月出货,这家皮料厂商是指定的,5月份时就有跟你们报备过,因厂商的来不及交货,会严重影响我们的交期,对于这次的延期我们真的很抱歉,但可否请你帮忙查一下,看是否可以不空运出货。

The following orders, because of the leather manufacturers late a month to lead us to delay delivery, a ship on, the leather manufacturers are specified in May, as it has submitted the with you, because of the manufacturers to delivery, will seriously affect our delivery, for this delay we really sorry, but could you help check, look to whether can not air shipment.
第1个回答  2011-07-11