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求《织梦人》读后感啊 那个杰克·鲍温写的
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鲍温采用小说的叙述方式,以一个名叫伊恩的14岁男孩作为故事的主人公,使哲学变得个性化并且易于理解。通过伊恩在旅途中的经历和发现——这由上至柏拉图下至当今流行文化 的理论所支持——这本小说并没有通过减缩哲学思想来呈现哲学,而是通过激发我们中一些人的天真个性来呈现,这些人尚未探讨过这些让人不可抗拒但又极其复杂的问题。这本书可 以一口气读完,然后再慢慢体会;或者一开始就细细品味每一章的主题对个人或大众的意义,一次看一个主题。



是织梦,还是追梦? 评《织梦人》 “与其说我是在为了理解我的生命而寻找梦想,不如说是在为了理解我的梦想而寻找生命”。这是《织梦人》书中引用一位哲人的观点,也是我看完书最大的感悟之源:哲学,让我们的思维更加丰富,通过思考让我们的生活大不一样,可能很多人运用哲学有上述两种不同的方式,前一种“我”是追梦人,后一种......
第1个回答  2011-06-19
鲍温采用小说的叙述方式,以一个名叫伊恩的14岁男孩作为故事的主人公,使哲学变得个性化并且易于理解。通过伊恩在旅途中的经历和发现——这由上至柏拉图下至当今流行文化 的理论所支持——这本小说并没有通过减缩哲学思想来呈现哲学,而是通过激发我们中一些人的天真个性来呈现,这些人尚未探讨过这些让人不可抗拒但又极其复杂的问题。这本书可 以一口气读完,然后再慢慢体会;或者一开始就细细品味每一章的主题对个人或大众的意义,一次看一个主题。




第2个回答  2011-06-18
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February 21, Reported that the first day of school in Nanjing,mbt scarpe prezzi, full of people, although the cashier to open a dozen, 2 supplementary books are still waiting in the counter 50 meters long queue, hours of operation for the first time extended to 10 pm, the radio is constantly reminded parents to avoid the peak hours to Book. According to the correspondent said, workbooks have such an important role, do not buy it will affect the normal learning. Really, as the Ministry of Education officials are afraid to bear the responsibility of dereliction of duty - even such an important book not included in textbooks,ghd outlet! Supplementary books on the market today because the interests of drivers, coupled with poor management, mixed, good and bad. Patchwork of many of them are wrong pack of text spam, which is growing to the negative impact of young people sad! Even some of the elite teacher of the so-called to some extent, the examination can improve the ability of students, but we should also clearly see it is these data increased the academic burden on students. I do not know when the school year what supplementary books (I believe that many people have the same feelings over), the usual test of a teacher with waxed papers are hand-carved, hand painted every time the ink exam, academic also seen the number of poor students than it is now. Many older teachers often recalled that period, the students said it was hard work, and now the students are a generation as a generation. Our materials are experts and experienced teachers, well-written line,miu miu borse, and its after-school practice enough to ensure that students acquire knowledge, develop capacity, develop intelligence. Otherwise, the material is As far as I know, the current sets of domestic materials in this basic goal is still be considered as qualified. So, why add another supplementary books? Inert surface dictates teachers, many schools now have bid farewell to the era of hand-carved hand-mimeographed replaced computer printers, copiers and optical integrated machines and other modern equipment. However, we still feel a part of a teacher of Indian ready to buy supplementary books as more convenient. Deep thinking will find some time arrested and confined to one kind of our teacher-worn concept behind the operation unable to extricate themselves - In fact, the job is not just doing exercises, doing a form of this paper, we students lack the practical experience. Practice is the touchstone of truth, the most simple words phrase was that we ignored. How, how many students had arranged to go home language teacher holding a parents hand grip; how many math teacher had students design layout of the home about the most reasonable tile design; the number of students in extra-curricular physics teacher had arranged to assemble a simple radio ; how much chemistry teacher had arranged the students learn to apply the chemical knowledge to design a fun magic ... if any, will be those rigid old brains ridiculed as worthless. Basic education in China caused by a small, slow, poor, fees not change the root causes of the phenomenon, it is because Book mountain road ground for the tracks, learning is endless fun for the boat, really want to de-book unimaginative,dsquared sito ufficiale, how do aids such as!
第3个回答  2011-06-20
= =lll 孩子,你这的答案比我这的好哇...还有一篇是英文的,真强大...