英语中的强调句型 it is/was...that/who... 中的that、who可以省略吗?最好有详解。

His writing is so confusing that it's difficult to make out what it is he is trying to express.
这是安徽省2011年高考题,为什么what it is后面没有that?这不是强调句吗?

强调句的基本句型:It is / was + 被强调的句子成分 + that / who + 句子的其他成分。


It was Doctor Smith that (who) gave us a lecture last week.上周给我们讲课的正是史密斯博士。

It was last summer that my daughter learned to swim.正是去年夏天我女儿学习游泳了。
第1个回答  2011-07-07

His writing is so confusing that it's difficult to make out what it is he is trying to express.
这是安徽省2011年高考题,为什么what it is后面没有that?这不是强调句吗?


首先一个so...that 句型,这个你应该看明白了。
接下来是个it is + adj+to do的句型
what it is he is trying to express 这是个定语从句,本来的句子应该是:he is trying to express is what,it 这里是个代词代替he is trying to express.这句话的;由于这个句子又要做make out 的宾语从句,把本来的特殊疑问句 what is it?变成了宾语从句的陈述语序,就出现了what it is


what it is he is trying to express 我觉得这个是宾语从句吧,做make out 宾语;如果是定语从句,没有先行词。


嗯,我理解错误了。应该是这样理解才对,it作为形式主语代替后面的句子he is trying to express,那么这个宾语从句就是 what he is trying to express is.

第2个回答  2011-07-07
it is/was +被强调部分+that/who+其他
现在时态用is,过去时态用was;被强调部分是人that和who都能用,被强调部分是物只能用that. 注意强调句不能强调谓语部分。下面举例
I lost my watch in the park last week.
这句话 主语I 谓语lost 宾语my watch 地点状语 in the park 时间状语 last week
强调主语可以改为 It was I that/who lost my watch in the park last week.
强调宾语 It was my watch that I lost in the park last week.
强调地点状语It was in the park that I lost my watch last week。
强调时间状语It was last week that I lost my watch in the park。