



?pwd=1234 提取码:1234


第1个回答  2007-06-16
allow sb to do sth
allow doing sth
want to do sth
like to do sth=like doing sth
feed sth to sb
feed sb with sth
feed sth on with sth
serve sb sth
serve sth to sb
serve sb with sth
prefer A to B
prefer doing sth1 to doing sth2
prefer to do sth ...rather than do ...
like A better than B
let sb do sth
make sb do sth
be worth doing sth
prefer to do sth
prefer doing sth
beg sb to do sth
be worth it
be worth (money)
multiply A by B
multiply A and B together
A multiplied by B
in size
increase to
increase by
the knowledge of...
for example
with the help of sb
in the future
connect A to B
connect A with B
join A to B

回答者:破天LK一剑狂 - 见习魔法师 二级 5-30 22:05

want to do
would like to do
feel like doing
ask sb to do
wish/except sb to do
hope to do
tell sb to do
let/make/have sb do
get sb to do
have /get sth done
start/ begin doing/ to do
have fun doing
stop/keep/prevent sb from doing
stop doing
stop to do
have trouble/difficulty/problem doing sth
have a...(good,difficult,hard..)time doing
can`t help doing sth
can`t wait to do
be used to do
be /get used to doing
look forward to doing
make a contribution to doing
be afaid to do
be afraid of doing
be /show instreted in doing
be (well) worth doing
prefer to do
prefer A to B
prefer to do rather than do
yuo`d better do
will you plese (not) do
mind (one`s)doing
agree with sb /what sb said /one`s idea
find/make it +adj to do
need to do
sth need /want doing
one of +adj (最高级)+ n(pl)
