

"I am Christopher Nolan, a typical British, like my elder Hitchcock, that is not only a director, but also has a whim ability." This is Mr. Nolan their assessment. Christopher Nolan was born in London, at the age of 7 began using the father of miniature camera try shooting. In 1989, his surrealism short films tower in the United States pull of rand public airwaves theaters. In London during college, he and some like-minded friends had organized "16 mm" club. His first real film - ultra-low cost "follow", in 1999 in London theaters. This rough in the film festival sensation to Nolan brought huge success, its glamorous shooting style and incomparable inspiration and to push the peak of the career Nolan fast. In the less than 70 minutes black-and-white films, Nolan with flashbacks as the basic film narrative language, then in the basis of flashbacks and time to thoroughly knock ground, then put these fragments of the time together so that the paste in less than 70 minutes film with incredible length. Because the participants are full-time workers, so only every Saturday before filming together 15 minutes of film, so the whole with 1 years to get shot this film. Therefore said the follow "is a -- guerrilla films, from lamplight to sets are DIY, everyone wearing their clothes in each other's room filming. Because of all these reasons, "follow" become a "carries a young dreams and ambitions, cool black-and-white films". "Follow" is undoubtedly a cost is very low movie, cost about $6,000. If it was in England, the kind of thing that no one can do - because the movie very americanized. But Mr. Nolan feel this kind of feeling is very good, lay out what you want, then the memory effect the success of fragments "more proved this point. "Follow" for the memory fragments "paved the road. "Follow" filmed submitted to film festival, Nolan began writing the memory fragments ". Early in the follow ", and he will release during the film script manuscript to the audience circulated, this kind of practice have received very good effect. Film structure is that not in chronological order of flashbacks gimmick. And when the crowd saw script, they will have to film a deeper understanding Nolan think this to them, has very great help. The memory in the United States fragments "total box office for $26 million. And in fact, through its friends from vendors Nolan beforehand get forecast, this type of film if can sell 400 to 500 million dollars can say is a big box office. The memory fragments "in each major film festival award repeatedly, including: independent spirit award the best scripts and best director, at sundance international film festival best screenplay award, broadcast movie association best film script award. Of course it is very familiar with the golden globes and the best screenplay Oscar nomination. Although with the memory pieces ", "bai ye after fierce" such as psychological thriller laid his budding filmmakers status and role very keen sense of super confident director style, but rivalry dye-in-the-wood Nolan vowed to past director image to a turn. Its extraordinary imagination, let Christopher Nolan to join become movie batman: XiaYing mystery of the most make a person surprizing part. This unique style, individual character is dye-in-the-wood director with this of darkness batman hit it off. Thirty-fie critic 86% of RenTongLv, this movie income ratings exceeded sweep of global box-office Star Wars prequel Ⅲ ". So the movie to keep is almost impossible task. He added some great spectacle. "This is a film than comic original even good movie." After the movie critic think so. In 2006, the director of the lethal magic works, with the eerie atmosphere and fine structure again won the critic and fan's heart and in 2008, the new one "batman" movies make global for Nolan madness. Batman prequel 2: dark knight "almost all the box office is a winning than before, and reputation is the mystery of XiaYing more dark and mature works, make the whole world all go a cold" bat "frenzy. Next the 2010 stolen dream space "and reignite view shadow upsurge, become fans dedicated issues and annual phenomenal movies.
第1个回答  2023-09-08
Christopher Nolan is a highly acclaimed English filmmaker and screenwriter. He is best known for his cerebral, nonlinear style of storytelling that has earned him a reputation as one of the most inventive and respected directors of his generation.
Born in London in 1970, Nolan began his career in the film industry as a visual artist and a scriptwriter, eventually making the transition to directing with the independent feature film "Following" in 1998. His next film, "Memento" (2000), established him as a unique voice in filmmaking, praised for its innovative use of narrative structure and filming techniques.
Nolan's subsequent films, including "Insomnia" (2002), "The Prestige" (2006), and "Inception" (2010), further established his reputation as a visionary director with an unwavering commitment to cinematic excellence. His 2012 film "The Dark Knight" trilogy rebooted the Batman franchise and solidified his status as a master of modern blockbuster filmmaking.
Nolan's films are known for their complex storylines, often weaving nonlinear narratives that challenge traditional notions of time and reality. His films also showcase his meticulous attention to detail,严格的对细节的关注,以及 his use of practical effects and groundbreaking special effects technology.
Nolan's latest film, "Tenet" (2020), was a high-profile action thriller that dealt with the concept of time travel and global espionage. It was released to positive reviews and was a box office success, cementing Nolan's status as one of the most commercially and critically successful directors working today.