

福友们,我去年出了一单散货到尼日利亚,这也是公司第一次出口尼日利亚市场,今天客户发来销售情况反馈的邮件如下:Thanks for your resent mail.It seems you did not understand my mail.I said the price here is low and we cannot compete with them.Other problems were that we do not have colours to choose from not that we want colourchart . if we have veriety of colour it would have been easy with diverse colours in the order.You should know that the price you gave us was very high that is the reason for inability to sell.We have used that to try your products in our market but you did not realise our efforts.我之前发了邮件说发些色卡和不同颜色的样板给他做市场宣传,问他当地市场的产品价格是什么样的,并承诺他下次量大些时会给他折扣。但后面一想这些都是对当前他的产品销售没有帮助的,现在需要的是怎么帮助他把手头上的产品卖出去。想问他当地产品价格,他的广告宣传方式,寻找客户的方法,不知道这些是否妥当,想问问福友们有什么建议不?真的很希望得到帮助,在此谢谢了!!