
除了a lot of (lots of) (a) few / little plenty of之外
huge amounts of 加不可数名词等等(范围是初中)答题格式是像举得例子那样的格式
谢谢了 要全的
1L 你问题么看吧,我被你郁闷了~~

1.—My new address is ____. A.NO.28 Heping Road B.the.NO.28th Heping Road

另还看到有 You can take the NO.5 bus to get there.这样的表达, 求解释为什么the 和NO.同用?

第一句因为是给地址,跟在 is 后面不需要加冠词 the ,即便是个特定门牌号码。
第二句是指5路公交车,这里加 the 就是因为特指的关系了。

2.—How much did you spend on the weekend?
—I ____ it ___$2000.
A.took ;for B.bought ; for
正确答案是A,但求此处took ...for 的意思和用法解释,越清楚越好!~

take 是经常和 weekend 配套使用的动词
I am going to take this weekend to visit my grandparents.
Are you going to take the weekend off?
He took the weekend going fishing.
take off 是短语,这里 took it for 倒并不是把它解释为 take ... for 短语的意思(实际有其他含义的,下详)在口语中有时回答只求简洁,所以这么回答也能让人听懂,不过不是很常见。

take ... for 和 mistake ... for 的意思一样
I took him for someone else 就是“我把他错认成XX了”
这里的 took it for $ XX纯为了回答“付出多少”,不可混为一谈。

3.in a flash / in a hurry /in a moment 的用法和意思差别?
in a flash 用在形容快如“电光石火”一般,眼睛一霎就过了 The color changed in a flash.
in a hurry 是形容急急忙忙,要赶时间的意思 I'm in a hurry to get to the hospital.
in a moment 意指短暂的片刻 I'll be with you in a moment.

4.---Have you seen ____ umbrella here?
---You mean ___ red one? It was here just now.
填an;a 那我用an;the 可以吗?求解释~
问句中的 an 是毫无疑问了。
回答时 用 a 或 the 实质意义上没大差别,在口语中都可以也都经常被使用,语气略为不同罢了

You mean a red one? 你是说一把红色的吗? 。。。
You mean the red one? 你是指那把红色的是吧? 。。。

希望对您的理解能提供一些帮助,别忘了采纳哦 。。。


第1个回答  2011-02-28
large quantities of +可数不可数,a number of+可数,a great deal of,plenty of+不可数本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-03-01
large quantities of
a plenty of
a great deal of