求现在大学英语·阅读4 Aldous Huxley《Fard》的译文。


She looked up from her sewing, moved her head from side to side, blinked. She had begun to see lights and spots of colour dancing before her eyes; it often happened to her now. a sort of yellowish bright worm was wriggling up towards the right-hand corner of her field of vision; and though it was always moving upwards, upwards, it was always there in the same place. And there were stars of red and green that snapped and brightened and faded all around the worm. They moved between her and her sewing; they were on with her work; Madame wanted her camisole most particularly tomorrow morning. But it was difficult to see round the worm.
There was suddenly a great increase of noise from the other end of the corridor. A door had opened; words articulated themselves.
“… Moi aussi,” Monsieur uttered a harsh, dangerous laugh.there was the sound of heavy footsteps in the passage, a rattling in the umbrella stand; then the front door banged.
Sophie looked down again at her work. Oh, the worm, the coloured stars, the aching fatigue in all her limbs! If one could only spend a whole day in bed- in a huge bed, feathery, warm, and soft, all the day long…
The ringing of the bell startled her. It always made her jump, that furious wasp-like buzzer. She got up, put her work down on the table, smoothed her apron, set straight her cap, and stepped out into the corridor. Once more the bell buzzed furiously. Madame was impatient.
“at last, Sophie. I thought you were never coming.”
Sophie said nothing; there was nothing to say. Madame was standing in front of the open wardrobe. A bundle of dresses hung over her arm, and there were more of them lying in a heap on the bed.
“Une beaute a la Rubens,” her husband used to call her when he was in an amorous mood. He liked these massive, splendid, great women. None of your flexible drain-pipes for him.”Helene Fourmont” was his pet name for her.
“真是一个鲁本斯式的美人”,当她丈夫含情脉脉地看着她,常常这样称呼她,他喜欢高大、热情的女人,那种体态窈窕柔软的细腿女郎可绝不合他的口味,Helene Fourmont,她每次都这样称呼她。
“some day,” Madame used to tell her friends, “some day I really must go to the Louvre and see my portrait. By Rubens, you know. It’s extraordinary that one should have lived all one’s life in Paris and never have seen the Louvre. Don't you think so?”
She was superb tonight. Her cheeks were flushed; her blue eyes shone with an unusual brilliance between their long lashes, her short, red-brown hair had broken wildly loose.
“Tomorrow, Sophie,” she said dramatically, “we start for Rome. Tomorrow morning.” She unhooked another dress from the wardrobe as she spoke, and threw it on to the bed. With the movement her dressing-gown flew open, and there was a vision of ornate underclothing and white exuberant flesh. “we must pack at once.”
“For how long, Madame?”
“A fortnight, three months- how should I know?”
“It makes a difference, Madame.”
“The important thing is to get away. I shall not return to this house, after what has been said to me tonight, till I am humbly asked to.”
“we had better take the large trunk,then, Madame; I will go and fetch it.”
The air in the box-room was sickly with the smell of dust and leather. The big trunk was jammed in a far corner. She had to bend and strain at it in order to pull it out. The worm and the coloured stars flickered before her eyes; she felt dizzy when she straightened herself up. “I’ll help you to pack, Sophie,” said Madame, when the servant returned, dragging the heavy trunk after her. What the servant returned, dragging the heavy trunk after her. What a death’s-head the old woman looked nowadays! She hated having old, ugly people near her. But Sophie was so efficient; it would be madness to get rid of her.
“Madame need not trouble.” There would be no end to it, Sophie knew, if Madame started opening drawers and throwing things about. “Madame had much better go to bed. It's late.”
No, no. she wouldn’t be able to sleep. She was to such a degree enervated. These men… what an embeastment! One was not their slave. One would not be treated in this way.
Sophie was packing. A whole day in bed, in a huge, soft bed, like Madame’s. one would doze, one would wake up for a moment, one would doze again.
“His latest game,” Madame was saying indignantly, “is to tell me he hasn't got any money. I’m not to buy any clothes, he says. Too grotesque. I can't go about naked, can I ?” She threw out her hands. “and as for saying he can’t afford, that’s simply nonsense. He can, perfectly well. Only he’s mean, mean, horribly mean. And if he’d only do a little honest work, for a change, instead of writing silly verses and publishing them at his own expense, he’s for, I should like to know? ‘ you must be proud of having a poet for a husband,’ he says,” she made her voice quaver like an old man’s.” it’s all I can do not to laugh in his face. ‘ and what beautiful verses Hegesippe writes about you! What passion, what fire!” thinking of the old man, she grimaced, wobbled her head, shook her finger, doddered on her legs.”and when one reflects that poor Hegesippe is bald, and dyes the few hairs he has left.” She laughed. “as for the passion he talks so much about in his beastly verses, ” she laughed- “that’s all pure invention. But, my good Sophie, what are you thinking of? Why are you packing that hideous old green dress?”
Sophie pulled out the dress without saying anything. Why did the woman choose this night to look so terribly ill? She had a yellow face and blue teeth. Madam shuddered; it was too horrible. She ought to send her to bed. But, after all, the work had to be done. What could one do about it? She felt more than ever aggrieved.
