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To understand rock 'n' roll, therefore, we must understand what slavery was, and where it left the sons and daughters of Africans who knew nothing of the European roots of American culture. For slavery provides the perfect rationale, the perfect explanation for why rock 'n' roll should stand apart from other musical forms, as a cultural revolution unto itself. Every society, after all, has its indigenous music, which serves as entertainment, accompaniment to ritual and ceremony, bonding force, story teller, preserver of history. Rock 'n' roll, certainly, is modern American folk music in these respects, successor to Stephen Foster and Cole Porter. But that is only a minor facet of rock 'n' roll's place in American, indeed in world society since 1955, and the larger elements of rock's influence reach far beyond the traditional cultural adhesive status of other folk musics. To solidify this claim, and to explain it, we can point directly to slavery, which forcibly mixed the radically different elements of two cultures in a boiling cauldron (rather than a melting pot), bringing to white, rural, agrarian America a series of rhythmic and vocal traditions that originated on the other side of the planet in Africa, and adding an important spiritual, melancholy, almost fatalistic sensibility that grew up by itself in the slThis last ingredient is crucial: they didn't sing the Blues back in Africa. Rock 'n' roll is an African-American hybrid, but its strongest root is the very suffering, and survival, of generations of slaves, who learned how music could help a man to transcend earthly pain for a while. The Blues sings of sadness, toil, and loss, but the reason for singing the Blues is to relieve the hurt these things cause. The Blues, with its simple, repetitive rhythms and chords and lyrical phrases, provides a comforting communal message that musician and audience can share, as long as they know where the singer is coming from. It's no wonder that Blues singers were so popular during the Depression, especially in the South, among both black and white audiences. It's also easy to understand the strong bonds between the Blues (and later R&B and rock 'n' roll) and Gospel music: from a secular point of view, singing about the Lord lifting you up and singing about the Blues fallin' down like rain are spiritually equivalent acts. aves' imprisoned souls.
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To understand rock 'n' roll, therefore, we must understand what slavery was, and where it left the sons and daughters of Africans who knew nothing of the European roots of American culture. For slavery provides the perfect rationale, the perfect explanation for why rock 'n' roll should stand apart from other musical forms, as a cultural revolution unto itself. Every society, after all, has its indigenous music, which serves as entertainment, accompaniment to ritual and ceremony, bonding force, story teller, preserver of history. Rock 'n' roll, certainly, is modern American folk music in these respects, successor to Stephen Foster and Cole Porter.

But that is only a minor facet of rock 'n' roll's place in American, indeed in world society since 1955, and the larger elements of rock's influence reach far beyond the traditional cultural adhesive status of other folk musics.

To solidify this claim, and to explain it, we can point directly to slavery, which forcibly mixed the radically different elements of two cultures in a boiling cauldron (rather than a melting pot), bringing to white, rural, agrarian America a series of rhythmic and vocal traditions that originated on the other side of the planet in Africa, and adding an important spiritual, melancholy, almost fatalistic sensibility that grew up by itself in the sl
This last ingredient is crucial: they didn't sing the Blues back in Africa.

Rock 'n' roll is an African-American hybrid, but its strongest root is the very suffering, and survival, of generations of slaves, who learned how music could help a man to transcend earthly pain for a while. The Blues sings of sadness, toil, and loss, but the reason for singing the Blues is to relieve the hurt these things cause.

The Blues, with its simple, repetitive rhythms and chords and lyrical phrases, provides a comforting communal message that musician and audience can share, as long as they know where the singer is coming from. It's no wonder that Blues singers were so popular during the Depression, especially in the South, among both black and white audiences. It's also easy to understand the strong bonds between the Blues (and later R&B and rock 'n' roll) and Gospel music: from a secular point of view, singing about the Lord lifting you up and singing about the Blues fallin' down like rain are spiritually equivalent acts.

aves' imprisoned souls.

这样的话,为了理解摇滚,我们必须理解什么是奴隶制,奴隶制给那些完全不了解美国文化的欧洲渊源的黑人的子孙(原文是子女,子孙更符合国人习惯)们带来了什么。由于奴隶制提供了一个完美的理论,解释了为什么摇滚作为文化上的革新,超越了其本身的意义而与其他音乐形式截然不同。毕竟,每个社会都有它的本土音乐,作为娱乐工具、宗教和庆祝仪式的伴奏,产生凝聚力,记载传说,传承历史。摇滚,继承了Stephen Foster 和 Cole Porter,理所当然的在这些方面成为了现代美国民乐。

aves' imprisoned souls.



第1个回答  2007-04-06
第2个回答  2007-04-06
第3个回答  2007-04-06
了解摇滚,所以,我们必须了解什么是奴役、 而它留给儿女非洲人谁也不知道美国文化的欧洲根源. 为提供完善的理奴役、 完美解释为什么摇滚音乐应该站除了其他形式 作为文革本身. 每个社会,毕竟有其土著音乐,作为娱乐、伴奏、仪式礼仪、向心力, 故事柜员保鲜历史. 摇滚,当然是美国现代民歌在这方面,继任者斯蒂芬培育和柯尔波特. 但这只是一种轻微的面貌摇滚的地方,美国人 事实上,自1955年世界社会、 和岩石成分较大的影响远远超出了传统文化接触粘合剂等民俗作品中的地位. 要巩固这种说法,并解释它,我们可以直接点奴隶制 而强行混合的两种截然不同的文化元素,在沸腾釜(而非熔炉) 引进白、农村 美国农业的一系列节奏与声乐传统肇始于对地球另一端的非洲 并增加了一个重要精神,忧郁、 听天由命,几乎感觉自己长大了slthis最后关键因素: 他们不唱衰回非洲. 摇滚是非洲裔美国混合,但其根源是非常强烈的痛苦、生存、 奴隶的后代,他们学会了音乐可以帮助人类超越了人间痛了一会儿. 唱蓝调悲情、辛劳、灭失, 但原因在于纾演唱蓝调这些东西造成伤害. 蓝调,以其简便、重复性节奏与抒情句弦和、 公用信息提供了安慰和听众分享的音乐家, 只要知道那是来自歌手. 这也难怪,在这么流行蓝调歌手忧郁,尤其是在南部, 除黑白两种观众. 这也是容易理解的牢固关系蓝调(后怨曲、摇滚)及福音 音乐:从世俗的角度来看, 大约基督解除你唱歌唱了起来蓝调大起大落的行为等于精神上都落如雨. 鸟类的囚禁灵魂.
第4个回答  2007-04-06
为了弄明白摇滚是怎么一回事,首先我们要搞清楚什么是奴隶制度,还有就是我们要了解非洲人把他们那些后裔都留在了什么地方,而这些后裔们根本不懂的美国文明的欧洲起源。因为美国的努力制度提供了一个近乎完美的基本原理,而正是这个原理可以很好的解释为什么摇滚乐可以在文化不停的变革中能够区别于别的音乐形式并且屹立不倒。毕竟每一个社会都有它独特的音乐形式用来娱乐大众,用于各种典礼,用于聚力(就像我们的船工号子),用于讲故事,还有就是它还是一种历史的载体。从这种层面上来讲,摇滚乐肯定是现代美国的民乐,是Stephen Foster 和 Cole Porter的继承者。不过这只是摇滚乐在影响美国文化中很多方面中的冰山一角而已,事实上早在从1995年开始 摇滚乐中的大部分元素对社会的影响力已经远落后于其他各种民谣了。为了证明这一观点并做出解释.我们可以直接瞄准奴隶制度,这种制度和原来的美国文化在一个沸腾的锅炉中激烈碰撞,给原来田园似的美国白人文化带来位于地球另一端的来自非洲传统的韵律和节奏,甚至一种忧郁宿命的情感和思想。 最后的这种元素是至关重要的:他们在非洲没有蓝调。摇滚乐美国文化和非洲文化的混血儿,但它最强有力的源头是那些受苦受难而又侥幸生存下来世世代代的奴隶们, 我们知道音乐能够使人们暂时远离现实中的痛苦。蓝调歌曲中有很多关于悲伤,痛苦以及失落的内容,但是人们演唱它的目的就是为了减轻和缓解这种痛苦和失落。蓝调用它那简单重复的韵律,和声以及抒情的歌词,给音乐家和听众分享共同的令人惬意的语言。所以在经济萧条时蓝调音乐在南方的白人和黑人中间非常流行,这一点都不奇怪。所以蓝调(包括后来的R&B和摇滚乐)和教堂音乐摇滚乐的紧密联系也就很容易理解了:从长远来看,歌唱上帝能使你到达天堂,而歌唱蓝调能使你像雨滴一样回到地面,二者在精神层面上应该时等价的。
