what other与what else有什么区别,有什么用处?


这道题我会,我可以帮忙解答哦😁,先给大家总结一下 what other与what else 的区别:

    "What other" 用于询问特定选项之外是否还有其他选项;"what else" 则用于询问除已知信息之外的其他事物或选项。它们在用法和语境上有细微的区别,根据所要表达的具体内容来选择合适的表达方式。

在通过一个表格来了解一下 what other与what else 吧😎:

欧克,最后再来一波 what other与what else 的具体区别🤞:


- what other 是用来询问在特定范围内的其他选择或选项。

* 例子1: We have chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry ice cream. What other flavors do you have? (我们有巧克力、香草和草莓口味的冰淇淋。你还有其他口味吗?)

* 例子2: I have already read two books by this author. What other books has she written? (我已经读了这位作者的两本书。她还写了哪些其他的书?)

- what else 是用来询问除已知事物或选项之外的其他事物或选项。

* 例子1: I have already packed my clothes and toiletries. What else do I need for the trip? (我已经收拾好了衣服和洗漱用品。旅行还需要准备什么?)

* 例子2: We have visited all the tourist attractions in this city. What else is there to see or do? (我们已经参观了这座城市的所有旅游景点。还有什么其他值得一看或一做的?)


- what other 用于特定范围内的其他选择或选项,强调已有选项的补充。

* 例子1: I have visited Paris, London, and Rome. What other European cities should I consider for my next trip? (我已经去过巴黎、伦敦和罗马。对于我的下一次旅行,我应该考虑哪些其他欧洲城市?)

* 例子2: We have tried the chicken and beef dishes. What other items are recommended on the menu? (我们尝试了鸡肉和牛肉菜肴。菜单上还有哪些其他推荐的菜品?)

- what else 用于已知事物或选项之外的其他事物或选项,强调增加选择范围。

* 例子1: We have already watched two movies tonight. What else can we do to pass the time? (我们今晚已经看了两部电影。还有什么其他的事情可以打发时间?)

* 例子2: I have finished my work for the day. What else do you want me to do? (我今天的工作都做完了。你还想让我做什么?)


- what other 是用来询问已知范围内的其他选择或选项,强调特定范围的扩展。

* 例子1: I have read books by Shakespeare and Dickens. What other classic authors should I explore? (我已经读过莎士比亚和狄更斯的书。我应该探索哪些其他古典作家的作品?)

* 例子2: The store offers apples, oranges, and bananas. What other fruits do they sell? (这家商店提供苹果、橙子和香蕉。他们还卖哪些其他水果?)

- what else 用于询问除已知事物或选项之外的其他事物或选项,强调对已有事物的补充或延伸。

* 例子1: We have watched action and comedy movies. What else do you want to watch? (我们已经看了动作片和喜剧片。你还想看什么?)

* 例子2: I have done my assignments and chores. What else do I need to complete today? (我已经完成了作业和家务。今天还需要完成什么?)


- what other 强调在某一范围内的其他选择或选项,通常与已有事物或选项有关联。

* 例子1: She has already visited Italy and Spain. What other European countries does she plan to visit? (她已经去过意大利和西班牙。她打算去哪些其他欧洲国家?)

* 例子2: We have tried the chicken and fish dishes. What other options are available for the main course? (我们尝试了鸡肉和鱼肉菜肴。主菜还有哪些其他选择?)

- what else 强调在已知事物或选项之外的其他事物或选项,通常与已有事物或选项无直接关联。

* 例子1: I have completed all the required courses. What else do I need to graduate? (我已经完成了所有必修课程。毕业还需要什么?)

* 例子2: We have bought the basic groceries. What else should we get for the party? (我们已经买了基本的杂货。派对上还需要买些什么?)
