hlep后一般跟什么?如help sd with sth和help sd todo sth


help sb. do sth 不能加to

be helped up with [口]为...所累(I couldn't run to catch the bus, as I was helped up with a lot of parcels. 我因为拿着许多大包?? 没法跑去赶公共汽车。) be of help to sb. 对某人有帮助 by the help of 得到..的帮助 cannot help (doing) 不禁, 忍不住, 不得不 cannot help but 不能不, 不得不(I cannot help but be sorry. 我不能不感到遗憾。) cannot help oneself 情不自禁; 不能自制 come to sb.'s help 赶来帮助某人 come to sb.'s aid 赶来帮助某人 come to sb.'s assistance 赶来帮助某人 give a help ing hand 助一臂之力 God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。 I can't help it. 我实在控制不住; 这不能怪我。 It can't be helped. [口]无可挽回! more than one can help [用于否定句]过份, 太多 Don't spend more money than you can help 除非不得己, 不要多化钱。 There is no help for it 无法可想; 无可挽回。 with the help of 在...帮助下 with a help of 在...帮助下 help forward 促成[进] help along 促成[进] help oneself to [口]随意取用[取食] 擅自取用; 私自占有; 偷 help sb. down 把某人搀扶下来 help sb. off with 帮某人脱 去(衣服等) help sb. on with 帮某人穿上(衣服等) help out 帮助(某人); 帮助(某人)解决困难[做某事] help sb. out 帮助(某人); 帮助(某人)解决困难[做某事] help sb. over 帮某人越过[度过] help sb. to 给某人添(酒、菜等) 帮某人得到[达到, 找到] help sb. up 把某人扶起 扶某人登上 help with 帮做(某事)

help oneself 自助 (进餐时)自己取用 未经允许自取 help out 救助,协助(渡过难关)
more than one can help 不必要的事,过分的事


第1个回答  2011-01-07
help sb. with sth.或help sb. (to) do sth.都是帮助某人(做)某事的意思,前者后跟名词,后者跟动词原形。
例子:She help me with my study.她在学习上帮助我。
My mother helped me to find my book.我的妈妈帮助我找我的书。