

有三句话:假如你选择了天空,就不要去渴望风和日丽。假如你选择了大地,就不要渴望道路平坦。假如你选择了大海,就不要渴望一帆风顺。 我已有充分的思想准备,任何困难都会像“泥丸”一样被我踩在脚下。我要实现自己锁定的理想——成为一名著名的游戏设计师。我要通过实现这一理想,来报答父母对我的爱。来报答国家和人民对我的培养与教育,我会加倍努力学习的,我想:通过我的努力我的理想会实现的。理想,不灭之灯
My ideal
Everyone has an ideal, everyone wants to achieve their ideal. I also have a great ideal.
My ideal is to become a game designer in the future, designed for people to learn, one side of the game software game. No matter what kind of difficulties encountered, I would go with head high and chest out to face.
There are three words: if you choose the sky, don't want sunny. If you choose to the earth, do not want flat road. If you select the sea, do not want Everything is going smoothly. I have fully prepared for, any difficulty can be like "balls" as I stepped on the foot of. I want to realize my ideal -- lock becomes a famous game designer. I want to through the realization of this ideal, to repay the parents of my love. To train on my return the country and the people and education, I will redouble our efforts to study, I would like to: through my efforts I dream will come true. The ideal, not burning lamps
第1个回答  2013-11-18