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这个是辽宁的 上几次考试的作文 你看看吧 中考英语 作文要求 一.书信的格式要求 1. 在信的右上角写上写信人的地址和日期(电子邮件一般可以不写) 2. 在信纸左侧,正文之前写dear 3. 写信的正文 4. 在信纸的中间稍右下角写出祝愿语或结束语,可以用Yours/Sincerely yours.等,在它的下方定上写信人的姓名 E.g. 汶川地震,鼓励人们 My dear friends, I am very sorry to know the big earthquake took place in your hometown. Maybe many people around you lost their lives in the earthquake. But please don’t be afraid. You are not lonely. We will be with you for ever. Let’s cheer up. To be brave to face all kinds of difficulties. Learn to forget these sad things. Study hard form now on and try your best to make much progress in your study and life. And we are sure that our future will be more beautiful. Yours Cherry 二. 失物招领和寻物启事的格式要求 1. 寻物词以Lost为标题,招领启示以Found为题 写在内容正上方居中的位置 2. 另起一行,在标题下面的右上角写日期 3. 寻物的正文内容主要关于遗失的物品,遗失的时间,地点和如果有人发现或捡到可以送交的人或地点 4. 招领的正文包括招领的物品,拾到物品的地点,时间以及失主认领物品的地点,联系人等信息 5. 单位/个人署名写在正文的右下角。 标题 日期 正文 署名 我在操场拾得一串钥匙,请打电话 65296403 找 Mario. Found May 4, 2008 I found a set of keys on the playground yesterday. Please call Mario at 65296403. Mario 三.写日记 1. 日期:在左上角写日期和具体星期几 2. 天气:与日期同行,位于正方右上方 3. 正文:正方的第一段,一般与日期对齐 January 13 2009 sunny It was the first day of our winter holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one month to do the things we love. We are free, although we have so much homework to do , we can finish them in several days. And we can make good use of the rest time . We have been very tired after hard studying. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleep and eat good food in order to relax myself. And then I will have a good rest. 四.通知 1. 在第一行的中间写Notice 2. 在低于Notice一行往右约5个字母的距离处开始写通知内容。 3. 在正文的右下方写发通知的单位或单位负责人的姓名 4. 在通知中时间一般写在文中或正文的左下文,并低于通知发出单位的左边顶格处开始写通知日期。通知日期有时也可写在正文的右上文。注:英文中所有称呼,通知的发出单位和被通知对象均用第三人称。 NOTICE May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make. The Students'