

第1个回答  2024-05-25
The origins of football can be traced back to ancient times. It is said that the Greeks and Romans engaged in a form of football game during the Middle Ages. They would throw the ball to the center of a white line and use their feet to kick the ball into the opponent's field, a game known as "Habashituomu." In the early 19th century, football had become popular in Europe and Latin America, particularly in capitalist Britain. In 1848, the first written rules for football, known as the "Cambridge Rules," were created. However, many sources indicate that ancient Chinese football predates European football and has a longer history.
Ancient Chinese football, known as "Cuju" or "Taju," means "kicking" and "trampling," respectively, with "Taju" referring to a ball. The earliest record of "Cuju" can be found in the "Historical Records of the QI Dynasty" and the "Biography of Liu Xiang" from the Han Dynasty. By the Tang and Song Dynasties, "Cuju" had become a popular activity among the elite. In July 1958, FIFA President Joao Havelange stated that football originated in China. Despite this, due to the limitations of feudal society, ancient Chinese "Cuju" did not develop into a modern sport based on the principle of "fair competition." This transformation occurred in capitalist Britain.
From the late 17th century onwards, football gradually spread from Europe and the United States to countries around the world, especially in developed countries with advanced cultures. More and more people were drawn to stadiums, immersing themselves in this exciting and thrilling sport. It even became a measure of a country's cultural development or progress. The British played a significant role in the development of football, leading to its popularity in other countries.
On October 26, 1863, the Football Association of England was established at the Freemasons' Tavern on Queen Street in London. This marked the formal creation of the world's first football association. The association not only announced its establishment but also formulated and adopted the world's first unified set of football competition rules.
The birth of the Football Association of England signaled a new stage in the development of football. As a result, October 26, 1863, is recognized as the birthdate of modern football. The Football Association of England led to the establishment of football associations in several European and Latin American countries, fostering the sport's growth. In 1872, England and Scotland played the first association-level match in history. Austria began organizing football championships in 1890, while the Netherlands and Argentina saw the emergence of football organizations in 1889. In 1900, Spain's Barcelona established the "female Tarragona" Football Association.
These developments laid the groundwork for the creation of an international football organization. On May 21, 1904, the International Federation of Football Associations (FIFA) was formally established in Paris. On May 23, 1904, the first FIFA Congress was held, with France's Robert Guillotine elected as the first president. On April 14, 1905, the Football Association joined the International Football Federation. With the rise of football, the football lottery also developed.