

He always refuses to help him, he is only for he lives that regional familiar, but every time after the party he say what also refused to let us send him to his home, he only let us tell him he home direction, where should take a taxi. Every night I send messages to ask him the next day, he went to the arrangement of the orphanage twice I want go with him, although he said he wanted to oneself go, but I haven't been to the orphanage. I do want to see that. It also let I found he is indeed a very good-hearted boy, he memorized orphanage several youngest child like toys and then the second to all to get them together, also allow a looks dirty child kiss her cheek.
第1个回答  2011-01-24
He is always refusing the help of others. He is only familiar with the area he lives in, but had never allowed us to take him home after each one of our get-togethers. He only lets us tell him which direction his home lies, and where could he get a taxi. I would send him a text message each night asking about the schedules of the next day. I had offered to go with him the two times he had been to the orphanage although he showed that he wanted to go alone. But I really wanted to go since I had never been to an orphanage before. This allowed me discover that he was actually a very kind boy. He had memorised the toys liked by the youngest children in the orphanage and had brought them to the place on his second visit. He even allowed a dirty-looking child kiss his cheek.
第2个回答  2011-01-24
He always refused others' help. Familiar with his neighbourhood only, he just asked for the route home after our get-together and went by himself in a taxi. I sent him text messages every night for his schedual next day. I also accompanied him to the orphanage twice. He intended to go there, as was the case with me,though I'd never been there before. Then I found that he was so considerate a boy that he would remember toys desired by several youngest children and bought them up to give them next time. He even indulged a dirty kid kissing him on the check.
第3个回答  2011-01-24
He always refuses others’ help.Though only familier with the area where he lives, he doesn’t allow us to take him home after dinner. Instead, he just asks us the direction to his home and the station to take a taxi. Every night, I text him to ask his plannning of next day. He went to the orphanage twice and I asked to take me for company. He would like to go alone, but I really wanted to visit the orphanage as I had never been there before. And it is this that makes me believe he is a kindhearted boy. He remembered the favorite toys of some samllest children and bought for them next time he went there. Furthermore, he even allowed a child with a dirty look to kiss his check.
