

环境就是民生青山就是美丽蓝天也是幸福英文是:Environment is the livelihood of the people is Beautiful Blue Sky is also happiness。

环境:environment,n.   自然环境 [C,U] 生活环境,周围状况  [C] 生态环境;surroundings n. 环境;周围的事物setting n. 背景,环境 〔书、影片等中情节发生的〕背景 〔机器、仪器等调控装置的〕设定位置,调节点。

environment:英[ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt] ,美[ɛnˈvaɪrənmənt, -ˈvaɪən-] n.    环境,外界; 周围,围绕; 工作平台; (运行) 环境;    [例句]The plans will be examined by EU environment ministers.欧盟各国环境部部长将仔细研究这些计划。[其他] 复数:environments 形近词: entironment 。   

environmental:英[ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl],美[ɛnˌvaɪrənˈmɛntl:, vaɪən]adj. (个人)环境的,由个人环境产生的,周围的; 环境艺术的;[例句]The environmental claims being made for some products要求一些产品注重保护生态环境的主张。


1. The change of scene will do her some good . 换个环境对她是有好处的。

2. His energy were cramped by his surroundings .他的能力被环境所阻碍。

3.He will be pleased to have a change of air .他将非常乐意换换环境。

4. What is the range of the pelagic environment ?水层环境的范围是什么?

5. Businesses operate in a number of environments .商业的环境错综复杂。

6. Piglets under stress eat less feed .小猪在应激环境中吃的饲料很少。 

7. Physically speaking, we cannot separate .从物理环境上说,我们无法分离。

8.Paul adapted himself to the new environment .保罗适应新的环境。

9.You rescued me from a strange situation .你把我从奇异的环境中解救出来。

10. Children need a caring environment .儿童需要一个受照顾的环境。
