

make或have 加名词 加动词原形,时是使,做的意思。

make和have 用法上的区别
1、make + sb/sth do sth让…做某事
例句:I feel sorry that I have made him wait for long.

2、如果make是被动的话,结构为sb be made to do 例句:His son was made to read by him very night.

3、make 后可以加形容词(词组)例句: He tried to make them happy.

4、make 后可以加名词(词组)例句: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

5、有时可以用介词短语例句: He asked us to make ourselves at home.

二 、have
1、have + 宾语+ 动词原形/ing /过去分词例句:
①Have him do it, please.

②We had the machine working.

③We had the machine repaired.

make 使…… (有轻微强迫之意)

1.make +宾语+do 迫使某人做某事,被动语态为be made to do sth

— The boy made the girl cry. 男孩把女孩惹哭了。

— The girl was made to cry by the boy. 女孩被男孩惹哭了。(被动)

2.make+宾语+adj./adv./prep. 使……处于某种状态 ,使变得……

— His illness made him very weak. 他的病使他很虚弱。

— This boring soap opera made me sleepy. 这无聊的肥皂剧让我想睡觉。

3.make +宾语+doing 使……处于某种状态,强调动作的主动性

— The story made him feeling sad. 这个故事使他很难受。

— The bad weather made me staying at home yesterday. 昨天,坏天气是我一天

4.make +宾语+done 使……处于某种状态,强调动作的被动性

— Please speak louder to make yourself heard. 请讲大声一点以便让别人听你。
— The heavy bag made the chair broken. 这个重重的包把椅子压坏了。

5.make +宾语+n. 使……成为……

— We made him the leader of the team. 我们让他当我们的队长。
— She made her diary her best friend. 她把日记当做她最好的朋友
第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-22

make或have 加名词 加动词原形,时是使。。。做。。。的意思

第2个回答  2019-01-09