

       I have good friends Lee, She is now 13 years old, and I am as big as she is a particularly quiet girl, usually not very talkative, and her hair long, very nice oh!


       My best friend is one of my classmates. Her name is Mary. Every day, we go to school together and go back home together. We often help each other and learn from each other in study. 



描述一个人的身高和体型 Describing height and build

    My brother is tall and well-built. 我的弟弟长得高,且身材匀称。

    My friend Lia is medium height and slim. 我的朋友Lia中等身高并且苗条

    Craig, who I work with, is short and overweight. 和我一起工作的Craig,又矮又胖


    My brother is quite tall and well-built.

    My friend Lia is medium height and really slim.

    Craig, who I work with, is short and a little overweight.


    He has short, brown hair, but he’s going bald fast.

    She has long, dark blonde hair.

    He has curly, fair hair.
