
”我“父亲说“...all the people in this world haven't had the advantage that you've had."这句话,有的翻译成”不是所有人都“,有的翻译成”所有人都不“。如果照前者理解,逻辑似乎通畅些,但我以为这里的否定结构是all...(do) not,跟not all...不一样,所以前者好像不对。如果是按后者理解,我觉得逻辑不通,为什麽”所有人都不如你……“?”我“的父亲至於犯这样的逻辑错误吗?如果明显逻辑错误,那还算得上什麽精彩的格言呢?作者这般措辞,到底什麽意思?
2.作者用abnormal mind说的是自己?为什麽这样措辞?这句话的this quality是什麽?怎样才可以ATTACH itself to this quality?(怎样attach?)
3.the secret griefs of wild, unknown man,这一截的译法也是五花八门,我不明白什麽样的人才是即wild又unknown。为了理解文章我翻了《英汉大词典》,很多单词的几十个意思我都看了,但就是不知道作者要取哪个意思。
4.”我“成了victim of not a few veteran bores,说实话在看译本前,我一直不知道啥叫做veteran bores,更想不到如何翻译……
5....an intimate revelation was quivering on the horizon,看了别人的翻译我才确信这是什麽意思,不过我还是不理解为什麽这样措辞,revelation这个词如何译的,这个东西为什麽能quiver,为什麽在horizon上。
7.obvious suppressions是什麽?这东西为什麽会mar了前文的revelation?
8.父子都snobbishly认为的事情,fundamental decencies怎麼理解?何以parceled out unequally at birth?
9. this way of my tolerance...中的tolerance何解?忍耐?前文提到的事情算是tolerance吗?
10... I don't care what it's founded on的前后我完全不懂,为什麽conduct可以founded on hard rock or the wet marshes,这是比喻吗?比喻的什麽呢?不明白呀!他为什麽又说不在意呢?
11.no more riotous excursions with privileged glimpses into the human heart,这句我不懂,看了翻译之后也不懂作者指的是什麽事情,什麽才是riotous excursions,带著privileged....的riotous excursions又是何物,为什麽好像没有译本把后置定语的意味说明?
12 下文的responsiveness...flappy impressionability之类的我觉得好像很冗余很费解,何谓romantic readiness呢?


第1个回答  2011-01-03
“我”父亲说:“...所有的人在世界上有'吨at.this大大影响你已经大大的优势。“这句话,有的为“不是每个人都“,翻译了一些翻译成“每个人都没有“。如果按照以前的理解,逻辑似乎通畅一些,但我认为否定结构都在这里... (做)与否,与还不是全部...不同,所以前者似乎是错误的。如果是按照后者的理解,我认为不合逻辑,为什么“所有的人都你...“ ? “我”的父亲,以使这样的逻辑错误?如果明显的逻辑错误,那也是美好的座右铭是什么?所以笔者的措辞,是什么意思?
2。笔者利用异常心理说的是我自己吗?为什么会有这样的用语?这句话的质量? At.this如何能够将其自身附加at.this质量? (如何)附?
"I" father said "... all the people in the world have 't at.this greatly the effect you' ve greatly advantage. "this sentence, some translated into" not everyone ", some translated into "everyone is not". If according to the former understanding, logic seems unobstructed some, but I thought the negative structures are all here... (do) or not, with not all... Different, so the former seems wrong. If it is according to the latter understanding, I think that illogical, why "everyone as you..." ? "I" father as to make such logic errors? If the obvious logic errors, that also is what wonderful motto? The author so wording, what mean?
2. The author USES abnormal mind said is myself? Why such phraseology? This sentence of quality is? At.this How can ability to ATTACH itself at.this quality? (how) attach?
3. The secret gr
第2个回答  2010-12-29
"I" father said "... all the people in the world have 't at.this greatly the effect you' ve greatly advantage. "this sentence, some translated into" not everyone ", some translated into "everyone is not". If according to the former understanding, logic seems unobstructed some, but I thought the negative structures are all here... (do) or not, with not all... Different, so the former seems wrong. If it is according to the latter understanding, I think that illogical, why "everyone as you..." ? "I" father as to make such logic errors? If the obvious logic errors, that also is what wonderful motto? The author so wording, what mean?
2. The author USES abnormal mind said is myself? Why such phraseology? This sentence of quality is? At.this How can ability to ATTACH itself at.this quality? (how) attach?
3. The secret gr
第3个回答  2010-12-29
第4个回答  2018-12-08