

名词是词性的一种,主要是指各种实体和存在 名词 (Nouns)是词性的一种,也是实词的一种,是指待人、物、事、时、地、情感、概念等实体或抽象事物的词。 名词可以独立成句。在短语或句子中通常可以用代词来替代。名词的所有格:

(1)表有生命的东西(人或动物)的名词所有格,一般在名词后加“’s”。如:Mike’s bag, Children’s Day, my brother’s room, women’s rights…

注意:1)名词复数的词尾是-s或-es,它的所有格只在词后加“s”。如:Teachers’ Day, the workers’ rest-home(工人疗养院),the students’ reading-room

2)复合名词的所有格,在后面的词后加“’s”。如:her son-in-law’s photo(她女婿的照片);anybody else’s book(其他任何人的书)

3)如果一样东西为两人或两人以上共有,则在最后的一个名词后面加“’s”;如果不是共有,则每个词后都要加“’s”。如:Jane and Helen’s room. 珍妮和海伦的房间(共有). Bill’s and Tom’s radios. 比尔的收音机和汤姆的 收音机(不共有)


the tailor’s (裁缝铺) the doctor’s (诊所) Mr Brown’s (布朗先生的家)


如:half an hour’s walk (半小时的路程)

China’s agriculture (中国的农业)

(2)表示无生命的东西的名词一般与of构成词组,表示所有格。如:the cover of the book


the story of Dr Norman Bethune

Do you know the name of the boy standing at the gate?


在表示所属物的名词前有冠词、数词、不定代词或指示代词(如:a, two, some, a few, this, that, these, those等)时,常用“of词组+所有格”的形式来表示所有关系。如:

a friend of my father’s 我父亲的一位朋友。

some inventions of Edison’s 爱迪生的一些发明

those exercise-books of the students’ 学生们的那些练习本。


(1)表示“一”相当于“one”。I’ll return in a week or two.

(2)表示“每”相当于“per”。We have eight classes a day.

(3)表示“同一性”相当于“the same”。We are of an age.

(4)表示类指,表示“某类”。He wants to be a teacher.

(5)表示泛指,相当于“any”。A horse is a useful animal.

(6)表示某一个,相当于“a certain”。A Mr. Smith is asking to see you.

(7)与抽象名词连用,可以表示“一场、一次、一件”,如:a pleasure一件乐事,a surprise一件令人惊讶的事,a joy一件高兴的事,a pity一件遗憾的事,an honour一个(件)经以为荣的人(事)。


What a heavy rain!

What a good supper!

Please give me a black coffee!





3. 不用冠词的情况


China, Russia, Yao Ming, Smith


This dictionary is mine.


March, May Day, National Day, Children’s Day, Women’s Day

Have you had supper?

Spring is the best season of the year.


What’s this, Father? We made him our chairman.

Ask nurse to put the child to bed. Professor Li.


Do you study physics?

He likes playing football/chess.


They are peasants/ workers.


by car, by bus,by bike, by train, by air/ water/ land

但:take a bus, come in a boat, on the train/ bus需注意。



husband and wife, brother and sister, body and soul, day and night, knife and fork


to(at, from) school, in (to)class, in (to, at, from)university(college),to(in, into, from)church, to(in, into, out of)prison(hospital, bed), to(at, from, out of)work, to(in, from) town, at (from)home, to(at)sea, at night(noon, midnight), by car (bus, bicycle, plane), on foot


in hospital 住院(因病)

in the hospital在医院(工作、参观等)

in front of在前面,指某物体之外

in the front of在前部,指某物之内

in charge负责,主管

in the charge由……负责

out of question没问题

out of the question不可能