

What letter can fly? 什么字母会飞? b = bee 蜜蜂
What letter can see? 什么字母能用来看? i = eye 眼睛
What letter has water? 什么字母里面有水? c = sea 海
What letter can we drink? 什么字母能喝?
What letter is a question? 什么字母是一个问题? y (Why)
I jump into the water, what do I do? 我跳到了水中, 我该怎么办? waiter 服务生
Note: The word "waiter" can also refer to a swimmer, diver, or lifeguard.
Interesting English riddle - guess what it is!
What is the smallest room in the world? 世界上最小的房间是什么? heart room (mushroom) 蘑菇
What is the smallest space in the world? 世界上最小的空间是什么?
Here, "ROOM" should not be understood as a room, but as space!
What is the smallest room in the world? This question is definitely problematic... This should be an English intelligence question.
-------------------------mushroom hint: The answer to the word includes the word "room" (room). The answer is something edible.