

天气越来越冷了英语:It's getting colder and colder

1、天气越来越冷了,银鹰都南飞过冬了。The weather is getting cold, all silver-eagles have flown to the south to pass the winter. 

2、往后的天气越来越冷了。It's getting colder and colder from now on. 

3、随着夜晚临近,天气越来越冷了。It grew colder as night drew on. 

4、天气越来越冷了,你们都要保重。It's getting cold, take care you all. 

5、天气越来越冷了,我要去买几件过冬的衣服。It is getting cold. I'm going to buy some winter clothes. 

6、我一直在想法子把曼蒂和我弄进青年旅舍去住,因为天气越来越冷了。I've been trying to get me and Mandy in a hostel cos the weather's getting cold. 
