go out有滚的意思吗


不过滚出去最贴切的是 Get out!
go one step too far 多走了一步(做得太过分了)
go out on a limb 爬高枝(担风险)
go overboard 过火
go to hell in a hand basket 坐着吊篮下地狱(一坏不可收拾)
go to one's head 上头上脸,冲昏头脑
go against违背;与……不符;对……不利
go without勉强维持,凑合
go in for爱好,参加;从事
go by过去;依据,按照
go on继续;发生
go over 复习 ;仔细审查;走近
go ahead 进行
go though 被通过;从头到尾地阅读;排练;经历
go away走开;外出度假;消失
go for去取来或接来;争取得到;
go out出去,熄灭,过时,罢工,向往,辞职,倒塌
第1个回答  2017-11-16
go out
英 [ɡəu aut] 美 [ɡo aʊt]
get out
a. to leave (often fol. by of)离开:
Get out of here! 滚开
We had to get out of the bus at San Antonio.
b. to become publicly known公布:
We mustn't let this story get out.
c. to withdraw or retire (often fol. by of)辞职:
He decided to get out of the dry goods business.
d. to produce or complete执行完成:
Let's get this work out!