
1,多做听说读写的练习题,尤其是听读。2.逼自己多和别人用英语交流,有空可以看看英文电影。BBC English Magazine里面有解答读者提问的专栏,回答准确。


Here is my advice for you. First, you should ldo more exercise about listening, speaking and reading. Especailly listening and reading.


Second, force yourself to talk with others as often as possible. Third, if you have time, you can watch English movies, There is a special column on BBC English Mabazine that reply readers questions.


And the reply are very accurate. I believe if you spend more time learning English and have good ways, you will make progress soon.


第1个回答  2011-02-21
Dear Xiao Ming
Here is my advice for you. First, you should ldo more exercise about listening, speaking and reading. Especailly listening and reading. Second, force yourself to talk with others as often as possible. Third, if you have time, you can watch English movies, There is a special column on BBC English Mabazine that reply readers questions. And the reply are very accurate. I believe if you spend more time learning English and have good ways, you will make progress soon.
第2个回答  2011-02-21
1. More exercise on listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially listening and reading.

2. More communication with oterhs in English. Watch more English movies if you have spared time. There is a column on BBC English Magazine resolving readers' questions, very accurate.