
1. -When will Tom's birthday party start tonight?
-At seven o'clock______________
A sharp B punctual C ahead D late
2.This morning i ________ a long distance call to my brother who is studying abroad.
A broke through B put through C looked through D pulled through
3. He accidentally ______ many advertisements in the TV programs,which brings a lot of profit.
A let out B took care C made sure D made out
4.After seeing all the candidates, we've _____ this one.
A looked on B put on C turned on D decided on
5. You look well.The air and the sea foods in Sanya must ______ you,I suppose.
A agree with B agree to C agree on D agree about
6.Had she ______her promise,she would have made it to Yale University.
A looked up to B lived up to C kept up to D come up with

1 A sharp准点
2 B put through接通电话。break through突破,look through看穿,pull through渡过难关
3 A let out释放,发行,发出。take care照料,make sure确保,保证,make out制作
4 D decide on 决定。look on看待,put on穿上,摆出某种表情,turn on 开(灯等)
5 A agree with sb(食物等)合某人的胃口。agree to+n. 同意(这里的名词用表示意见、建议、想法等),agree on +n.对。。。保持一致(这里的名词用保持一致的东西,比如时间,地点,价格等等),没有agree about
6 B live up to达到原来的预期或计划等,如:live up to one's name名副其实
第1个回答  2011-02-08
1. A
数字+o'clock+sharp 表示几点整,固定用法。
2. B
3. D
make out 有“辨认”的意思,我认为这里可以引申为“发展出”。
4. A
look on有“把眼光投向……”的意思。
5. A
agree with有意思“(气候、食物等)适合于”。
6. A
第2个回答  2011-02-08
1 A at +具体数字 O'clock+sharp 是指定点的准点时间
2 B 题意为接通啦给外国兄弟的长途电话,其中就只有B中的put through 有接通电话的意思。
3 B took care 有关注的意思,我认为从题意是理解为偶然中关注到一些有用的广告讯息。
4 A put on 放置于···之上;turn on出现,呈现,没有decide on的搭配,这里的look on代表着选中的意思,
5 A agree with sb. 表示同意某人(观点),agree to +具体的意见,agree on+协议,文件,合同、
6 C look up to 是敬仰,尊重的意思,live up to 以···为生,keep up tp 遵守,come up with 提出
第3个回答  2011-02-08
sharp(整整,副词) CD明显不对,B是形容词。

A 突破 B接通 C浏览 D转危为安,渡过危险;这种题没办法,就只好被词组的意思,学会活用,记实例句子

A让出 B小心 C确信,确保 D做、弄清楚、开

A 看着 B穿上 C打开 D决定

agree with 有三个意思:1. 与某人〔观点〕一致, 同意〔赞同〕某人的意见2. 与…相符, 与…一致3. (气候、食物等)适合于 BCD则都表示的是同意,达成共识的意思。没有适合的意思。记住就行了。
