
vt. 提出;介绍;呈现;赠送
vi. 举枪瞄准
adj. 现在的;出席的
n. 现在;礼物;瞄准

adj. 营业着的;敞开的;空旷的;公开的;坦率的
vi. 开始;展现
vt. 打开;公开
n. 公开;空旷;户外

present(vt.):He present the prizes to the winner.他颁发奖品给胜利者。
He will present a new car to me in my birthday party.他会在我生日派对上送我一辆新车。
(adj.)I am worried about the present situation.我很担忧现在的情况。
Do you know how many people are present in the meeting now?你知道现在这个会议到场了多少人吗?
(n.)He will give me a present in my birthday party.他会在生日派对上送我礼物。
At presnt,he is still at work,现在他仍旧在工作
(adj.)The shop is open from 8:00a.m. to 9:00p.m.这家店从早上八点开始营业,到晚上九点关门。
The door is open.门开着。
(vi)The flowers are opening.花正绽放。
What time will the shop open?这店几时开门营业?
(vt)Open the box ,you'll find something you like.打开这个盒子,你会发现一些你喜欢的东西的。
Open the door ,please!请开门。
(n.)I like playing basketball in the open.我喜欢在室外打篮球。
I don't want to make my secret open.我不想公开我的秘密
第1个回答  2011-01-31
vt. I presented Mr. Li to my friends.我把李先生介绍给我的朋友。
vi. Present arms(号令)持枪敬礼!
adj. The present condition is we all want this apple.现在的情况是我们都想要这个苹果
n. I gave my girlfriend a present for her birthday.我送给我的女朋友一份生日礼物

adj. This shop doesn't open every Sunday.这家店周日不营业
vi. A news stage opens。一个新的阶段开始了。
vt. He opened the window.他打开了那扇窗
n. A new born baby can't stay in the open air.新生儿不能呆在户外。
第2个回答  2011-01-31
1.The soldiers were ordered to present arms for those present, who had presented our country with lots of help as presents.
2.The open window provided us with a great view of the park in the open which opens at 7:00am every day and is now having bunches of beautiful flowers opening out.